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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-19 13:48:58

>>but the very first command rpm gives a conflict message with Debian
>>files since I am using Ubuntu which is based on Debian or am I wrong?

Umut, you have a choice:

A. Download the source tar files and compile them.
B. Install from .deb files.

B should be easier and quicker than A.

In theory you could install from .rpms, but I can't think of a reason
why you would want to do that.

I'm suprised that no-one who uses Ubuntu has replied with instructions
for you. I don't use Ubuntu, so I can't give you exact step-by-step

I use Debian. On Debian, installting Boost involves:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev
libboost-program-option-dev .....

(Boost is split into several .deb packages, so you only need to install
the parts that you will be using. For a list you could go to and search for packages whose name contains "boost".)

I expect that on Ubuntu you should use very similar, or possibly exactly
the same, commands. Alternatively, you may have a graphical package
installer program that you can use.

On the other hand, if it turns out that Ubuntu doesn't have Boost
packages, then you could install the Debian ones. The best way to find
out how to do that would be to ask in an Ubuntu forum or list somewhere.

I hope that helps.

(Isn't there someone out there using Ubuntu who can help Umut with some
more precise details?)


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