Boost Users : |
From: cheesy4poofs (cheesy4poofs_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-01-24 10:18:01
I've posted this on the boost build forums, but never got a response, so I'm
hoping someone in this group can help me.
I've spent several days banging my head with iostream zlib support on
windows. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get this to
compile. This is on a windows XP machine with Microsoft VS 2003.
I've installed the zlib source at C:\dev\zlib and set the appropriate
command line arguments (I believe anyway) to point to it. However, it
continues to give me an error of "unknown dependent target
If I remove the zlib command line arguments, the boost library builds fine.
Can anyone please explain what I'm doing wrong? I'm sure it is something
simple, but I cannot figure it out. I looked at the jam file regarding this
and it seems to indicate that it will compile zlib automatically. But
apparently that isn't happening.
The complete output from the command window follows. Thanks in advance for
any help!
bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1" "-sNO_COMPRESSION=0" "-sNO_ZLIB=0"
"-sZLIB_SOURCE=C:\Dev\zlib" "-sZLIB_INCLUDE=C:\Dev\zlib" stage
Building Boost.Iostreams with bzip2 support disabled.
To enable bzip2, consult the Boost.Iostreams documentation
*** If you don't need Boost.Python, you can ignore this section ***
*** pass --without-python to suppress this message in the future ***
skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect
couldn't find Python.h in "c:/Python24/include"
You can configure the location of your python installation by setting:
PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g.
"2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.4"
PYTHON_ROOT - automatically configured from PYTHON_VERSION if not
otherwise set ; currently "c:/Python24"
The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not otherwise
PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information (and if
you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
unknown dependent target <@boost!libs!iostreams!build>libboost_zlib.lib
Boost-users list run by williamkempf at hotmail.com, kalb at libertysoft.com, bjorn.karlsson at readsoft.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, wekempf at cox.net