Boost Users :
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658 Messages |
Starting: | 2001-09-28 19:44:07 |
Ending: | 2025-02-12 07:38:14 |
- [Boost-users] ::spirit, token_node_d
- [Boost-users] <smart_ptr>: A newbie question (about BOOST_SP_USE_QUICK_ALLOCATOR)
- [Boost-users] <smart_ptr>: A newbie question (aboutBOOST_SP_USE_QUICK_ALLOCATOR)
- [Boost-users] [BGL] adjacency_list: OutEdgeList vs EdgeList
- [Boost-users] [BGL] Help with initialization of graph from image
- [Boost-users] [bind] Problem with 1.33.1, g++ 3.3.3
- [Boost-users] [bjam] Inconsistency in header/library linkages
- [Boost-users] [boost-users] [parameter] Error using positional arguments
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Build v2] how to disable specific warnings on gcc
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Build v2] Incorrectly handled header dependencies
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Build v2] vc 8.0 manifest problem
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Build][program_options] Problem with path length
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Program_options] Is there a way to have all options specifiedwith a single dash instead of double?
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Program_options] Is there a way to have alloptions specifiedwith a single dash instead of double?
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Program_options] Is there a way to havealloptions specifiedwith a single dash instead of double?
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Python] newbie: Lifetime of objects
- [Boost-users] [Boost][Bind] How to bind template function member
- [Boost-users] [boost][serialization] How to implement serialization classes in two DLLs
- [Boost-users] [date_time] Constructing a ptime with __int64
- [Boost-users] [filesystem] #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp> error
- [Boost-users] [filesystem] mistakable documentation
- [Boost-users] [GRAPH] How to use an external edge weight map in dijkstra_shortest_paths
- [Boost-users] [Graph] Maximum common subgraph
- [Boost-users] [graph] non-contiguous edges?
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] Error-handling with filters
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] implementing an xdr streams
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] non-copyable device with Boost.Ref pattern
- [Boost-users] [lambda] "Invalid use of void expression"
- [Boost-users] [lambda] bind w/shared_ptr<Object> [Was: "Invalid use of void expression"]
- [Boost-users] [lambda] Binding template functions
- [Boost-users] [lambda] Nesting and temporaries
- [Boost-users] [lambda] Operators
- [Boost-users] [lambda] Understanding ->*
- [Boost-users] [mpl] inherit_linearly
- [Boost-users] [MPL] sorting sequence according to inheritance hierarchy
- [Boost-users] [MSVC7.0] functions missing when BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES is defined
- [Boost-users] [MSVC7.0] functions missing whenBOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES is defined
- [Boost-users] [MSVC7.0] functionsmissingwhenBOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES is defined
- [Boost-users] [multi_array] view-multi_array compatibility in assignments and parameter passing
- [Boost-users] [multi_index] const_mem_fun with an inherited member function
- [Boost-users] [multi_index][ann][rfc] Preview of Boost.MultiIndex 1.34 release
- [Boost-users] [Parameter] Documentation opinions
- [Boost-users] [parameter] Error using positional arguments
- [Boost-users] [posix_time] truncation warning from VC71
- [Boost-users] [program_options] Bug in example and documentation
- [Boost-users] [program_options] How to use unknown program options?
- [Boost-users] [ptr_container] Bug in reverse iterators?
- [Boost-users] [quickbook] two links side by side
- [Boost-users] [random] comments on speed?
- [Boost-users] [range] [mpl] begin/end conflicts with mpl::begin/mpl::end
- [Boost-users] [Review] Formal review of Fixed Strings library starts today
- [Boost-users] [Review] Formal review of Fixed Strings librarystarts today
- [Boost-users] [Review][fixed_string] : First Example
- [Boost-users] [serialization] : Documentation
- [Boost-users] [serialization] [wave] [spirit] Can't compile b oost cvs
- [Boost-users] [serialization] [wave] [spirit] Can't compile boost cvs
- [Boost-users] [serialization] [wave] [spirit] Can't compile o ost cvs
- [Boost-users] [serialization] [wave] [spirit] Can't compileb oost cvs
- [Boost-users] [serialization] [wave] [spirit] Can'tcompile o ost cvs
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assert when serializing polymorphic type to XML (Visual Studio 8)
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assert when serializing polymorphictype to XML (Visual Studio 8)
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assert when serializingpolymorphictype to XML (Visual Studio 8)
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assert whenserializingpolymorphictype to XML (Visual Studio 8)
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assertion in basic_binary_oprimitive::save_binary() revisited
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assertion inbasic_binary_oprimitive::save_binary() revisited
- [Boost-users] [serialization] assertwhenserializingpolymorphictype to XML (Visual Studio 8)
- [Boost-users] [serialization] default constructor problem
- [Boost-users] [serialization] How to serializa reference counted C arrays?
- [Boost-users] [Serialization] Many similar looking types
- [Boost-users] [serialization] Problem with multiple multi-index keys.
- [Boost-users] [serialization] shared_ptr<polymorphic_base> && BOOST_IS_ABSTRACT() && gcc 3.2
- [Boost-users] [serialization] shared_ptr<polymorphic_base> &&BOOST_IS_ABSTRACT() && gcc 3.2
- [Boost-users] [serialization] suggestion for the extension of the functionality
- [Boost-users] [serialization] suggestion for the extension of thefunctionality
- [Boost-users] [serialization] suggestion for the extension ofthefunctionality
- [Boost-users] [spirit] "parseable" foo_thing with Boost.Spirit pattern
- [Boost-users] [statechart] Ready for addition to main CVS
- [Boost-users] [test] How do you create test cases in a
- [Boost-users] [test] How do you create test cases in a DLL
- [Boost-users] [Test] Running a specific Test Suite
- [Boost-users] [thread] Static mutex members
- [Boost-users] [tuple] access_traits documentation error
- [Boost-users] [tuple] no easy access to get function
- [Boost-users] [uBlas] Problem with matrix_range
- [Boost-users] [Win32 VC70 Linking] Hard coding library name for the final linking ('libboost_filesystem-vc7-mt-s-1_33_1.lib' ...)?
- [Boost-users] A problem with '^' and '$' in boost regex
- [Boost-users] accessing boost::format's parsing results?
- [Boost-users] any Boost library for unit testing C++ code
- [Boost-users] Assertion failure usign boost::format with Visual C++ 2005
- [Boost-users] beginners problems linking serialization library
- [Boost-users] Bind signals together
- [Boost-users] bjam build failed (vc7)
- [Boost-users] Bjam problems with intel compiler on Windows when building Boost1.3.2
- [Boost-users] Bjam problems with intel compiler on Windows whenbuilding Boost1.3.2
- [Boost-users] Boost and Sun Studio 11
- [Boost-users] boost and VC++ toolkit 2003
- [Boost-users] boost bind logical operators question
- [Boost-users] boost bind logical operators question 2
- [Boost-users] Boost binder library
- [Boost-users] Boost Graph library
- [Boost-users] Boost Graph Library - heap profile
- [Boost-users] Boost Graph: problems using add_edge()
- [Boost-users] Boost has a function to const-qualify?
- [Boost-users] Boost Math Library
- [Boost-users] boost program_options: change program options
- [Boost-users] Boost Review Wizard's Report: January 2006
- [Boost-users] Boost Serialization: extended_type_info_no_rtti not working...
- [Boost-users] Boost Serialization: extended_type_info_no_rtti notworking...
- [Boost-users] Boost Serialization: extended_type_info_no_rttinot working...
- [Boost-users] Boost shared pointers and MSVC++ 6.0
- [Boost-users] Boost SmartPointer Library
- [Boost-users] boost thread does not honour BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK
- [Boost-users] Boost threads- how do I simultaneously check the lock on two or more mutexes?
- [Boost-users] Boost.Serialization // Basic Usage Problem for your help!
- [Boost-users] Boost.Serialization // Basic Usage Problem for yourhelp!
- [Boost-users] boost::gregorian::months : access value / serialize
- [Boost-users] boost::iostream - no way to set failbit or badbit in stream from device?
- [Boost-users] boost::iostream - returning EOF in device::write and set failbit
- [Boost-users] boost::iostream - returning EOF in device::writeand set failbit
- [Boost-users] boost::iostreams - access object 'below' the stream
- [Boost-users] boost::serialisation - portable_binary_oarchive not part of library
- [Boost-users] boost::serialisation - portable_binary_oarchive notpart of library
- [Boost-users] boost::serialisation - portable_binary_oarchivenotpart of library
- [Boost-users] boost::serialisation -Non-default Constructors
- [Boost-users] boost::serialisation -portable_binary_oarchivenotpart of library
- [Boost-users] boost::serialization stream exception
- [Boost-users] boost::spirit block of C++ code
- [Boost-users] boost::spirit, comment_p("//")
- [Boost-users] boost::thread memory leak problem
- [Boost-users] boost::thread problem on 1.33.1
- [Boost-users] BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT is not compiled
- [Boost-users] BUG: example boost_file_dependencies.cpp does not compile.
- [Boost-users] Building boost 1.33.1 with Comeau 4.3.3
- [Boost-users] callback and boost:function
- [Boost-users] Cast boost::shared_array<T> to boost::shared_array<const T>?
- [Boost-users] Comments on the usability of program_options
- [Boost-users] Compile error with serialization
- [Boost-users] Compiling boost with vacpp 8.0 as 64bit on AIX5.3ml3 of power5
- [Boost-users] Compiling with egcs-2.91.66
- [Boost-users] Compiling with egcs-2.91.66 (graph lib)
- [Boost-users] Config problem / initial setup
- [Boost-users] Cross compiling boost libraries with gcc and us ing boost jam to crosscompile third-party library (Jambase problem)
- [Boost-users] Cross compiling boost libraries with gcc and using boost jam to crosscompile third-party library (Jambase problem)
- [Boost-users] date_duartion <-> months
- [Boost-users] date_time: convert to and from a timeval
- [Boost-users] Declaration Terminated Incorrectly
- [Boost-users] Detect ICU support in Regex?
- [Boost-users] Error when including date_time files
- [Boost-users] Field of record as boost::any
- [Boost-users] Fwd: cannot find lboost_thread -problem
- [Boost-users] gcc3.2 preprocessor concatenation or not on negative numbers
- [Boost-users] gcc3.2 preprocessor concatenation or not on negativenumbers
- [Boost-users] gcc3.2 preprocessor concatenation or not onnegativenumbers
- [Boost-users] gcc3.2 preprocessor concatenation or notonnegativenumbers
- [Boost-users] gcc3.2 preprocessor concatenation ornotonnegativenumbers
- [Boost-users] Getting Environment Variables
- [Boost-users] Getting Started documentation: minor update request
- [Boost-users] Getting started with Boost: what did you need to know?
- [Boost-users] glibc detected malloc(): memory corruption:
- [Boost-users] graph compile error with gcc3.3 when edge container is slist
- [Boost-users] Hello: boost::filesystem with cygwin - windows style paths
- [Boost-users] Hello: boost::filesystem with cygwin - windows stylepaths
- [Boost-users] How can I uninstall Boost library?
- [Boost-users] How do i access graph property?
- [Boost-users] how to build bjam VC 8
- [Boost-users] How to create a smart pointer for a non-growable, size determined by run-time array
- [Boost-users] How to identify Boost libraries which support eVC++compiler
- [Boost-users] How to reduce the boost library size
- [Boost-users] How to run the boost.python example
- [Boost-users] How to use Boost.Array library
- [Boost-users] installing BGL-python
- [Boost-users] iostreams: example code of walk into zip file's filename/subdir
- [Boost-users] Is boost compilation supported with VC 7.0 (Visual Studio 2002)?
- [Boost-users] Is boost compilation supported with VC 7.0 (VisualStudio 2002)?
- [Boost-users] Is boost::filesystem::path unable to deal with hidden unix dircetories?
- [Boost-users] Is boost::filesystem::path unable to deal with hiddenunix dircetories?
- [Boost-users] Is there a StringBuffer equivalent in Boost library?
- [Boost-users] iterators
- [Boost-users] iterators 2
- [Boost-users] Iterators and algorithms
- [Boost-users] lexical_cast memory consuption with VC8
- [Boost-users] lvalue error
- [Boost-users] Memory leak with STL containers and pool_allocator?
- [Boost-users] Misuse of shared_ptr?
- [Boost-users] Multi-Index compound key synthesis via MPL
- [Boost-users] multiple definitions of symbol with Boost.Test
- [Boost-users] Mutually exclusive options in boost::program_options?
- [Boost-users] Need help in installing Boost on Fedora 4
- [Boost-users] newby problem: boost build problems under debian
- [Boost-users] Parse errors when building against Insure++ by ParaSoft.
- [Boost-users] Please don't reply to digests
- [Boost-users] Please don't reply to digests (was: Boost-users Digest, Vol 760, Issue 2)
- [Boost-users] problem with include files
- [Boost-users] Problem with program_options.
- [Boost-users] Problem with sun studio 11 and mersenne_twister.hpp
- [Boost-users] Problems cross compiling to ARM
- [Boost-users] Problems with CVS
- [Boost-users] Profiling Boost Graph Library with gprof
- [Boost-users] program_options requires non-const argv
- [Boost-users] Pyste/Pyplusplus/Boost documentation problems
- [Boost-users] Question Regarding Boost 1.33.1 on MSVC.NET 2003
- [Boost-users] regex format string extension for more than nine captures
- [Boost-users] regex format string extension for more than ninecaptures
- [Boost-users] Request help with boost::compose to boost::bind conversion
- [Boost-users] Retrieve state of random number generator?
- [Boost-users] Serialization "stream error" when using binary_iarchive/binary_oarchive & make_binary_object, but xml_iarchive & text_iarchive suceeds
- [Boost-users] Serialization "stream error" when usingbinary_iarchive/binary_oarchive & make_binary_object, but xml_iarchive & text_iarchive suceeds
- [Boost-users] Serialization "stream error" whenusingbinary_iarchive/binary_oarchive & make_binary_object, but xml_iarchive & text_iarchive suceeds
- [Boost-users] Serialization of boost::shared_ptr<int>?
- [Boost-users] Serialization of static member variables?
- [Boost-users] serialization: loading std::map replacesexistingmapdata objects
- [Boost-users] serialization: loading std::mapreplacesexistingmapdata objects
- [Boost-users] shared_ptr and typedef
- [Boost-users] shared_ptr with template class
- [Boost-users] Signature of files saved by boost::serialization
- [Boost-users] Smart pointer library in boost
- [Boost-users] Spawning a thread on a member function
- [Boost-users] spirit::, token_node_d, xml-tree
- [Boost-users] statechart: howto connection two different FSMs
- [Boost-users] statechart: interaction with environment
- [Boost-users] statechart: unable to compile examples - additional compiler flags needed?
- [Boost-users] statechart: unable to compile examples - additionalcompiler flags needed?
- [Boost-users] STL port link error
- [Boost-users] STL-PORT and VC 7.1
- [Boost-users] thread library
- [Boost-users] Tokenizer usage, combining escaped_list_ and char_?
- [Boost-users] trouble building bgl-viz
- [Boost-users] trying to install Boost 1.33.1 on Solaris 5.9 + SunStudio 11
- [Boost-users] Unable to figure out how to get zlib support in iostreams on windows
- [Boost-users] Understanding Boost.Mpl Fold Algorithm
- [Boost-users] user defined seed
- [Boost-users] vc 7.1 bug: multiple definitions of symbol with Boost.Test
- [Boost-users] Version Mgmt classes/algorithms
- [Boost-users] Warnings and boost
- [Boost-users] Weird cross compiling issue
- [Boost-users] Weird regex compiler warnings with VC 7.1
- [Boost-users] Why don't smart pointers have the same semantics as plain pointers?
- [Boost-users] Why is boost::thread::mutex noncopyable?
- [Boost-users] Wild Compile Errors with ptime member
- [Test] Running a specific Test Suite
- Boost.Serialization // Basic Usage Problem for your help!"
- Boost.Serialization // Basic Usage Problem for yourhelp!"
Boost-users list run by williamkempf at hotmail.com, kalb at libertysoft.com, bjorn.karlsson at readsoft.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, wekempf at cox.net