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From: Dmitry Bufistov (dmitry_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-06 08:34:41

Hi all!
Sorry if this is second time))

attached mail follows:

Daniel Mitchell wrote:
> I'd like to know a little more about the design rationale for property maps,
> specifically the (maybe implicit) decision not to overload operator[] with
> respect to constness. The design leads to a situation that is, in some
> respects, at odds with convention.
> The most obvious point of conflict is put_get_helper. In fact, I wouldn't be
> surprised if the decision not to overload operator[] was simply a consequence
> of writing put_get_helper. (Pure speculation.)
> template<class Reference, class PropertyMap>
> struct put_get_helper { };
> template<class R, class P, class K>
> R get( put_get_helper<R,P> const& map, K const& key );
> template<class R, class P, class K, class V>
> void put( put_get_helper<R,P> const& map, K const& key, V const& value );
> In contrast with standard containers, the constness of the property map isn't
> correlated to the constness of its elements. I wonder why the above wasn't
> written as
> template<class Reference, class PropertyMap, class ConstReference>
> struct put_get_helper { };
> template<class R, class P, class C, class K>
> R get( put_get_helper<R,P,C>& map, K const& key );
> template<class R, class P, class C, class K>
> C get( put_get_helper<R,P,C> const& map, K const& key );
> template<class R, class P, class C, class K, class V>
> void put( put_get_helper<R,P,C>& map, K const& key, V const& value );
> Another point of conflict is the property_map traits class, with its nested
> 'type' and 'const_type'. Doesn't convention suggest that 'type const' is the
> appropriate type for a non-mutable property map?
> My initial statement was that the design leads to a situation that is *in some
> respects* at odds with convention. When property maps are viewed, not as
> first class containers of their data, but as having more-or-less the same
> status as container iterators, the situation clarifies. I suppose that must
> have been the author's intent.
> // A deficient, but harmless implementation of put(), get() for iterators.
> template<class Reference, class Iterator>
> struct put_get_helper { };
> template<class R, class I, class K>
> R get( put_get_helper<R,I> const& it, K const& key );
> template<class R, class I, class K, class V>
> void put( put_get_helper<R,I> const& it, K const& key, V const& value );
> // Parallel to property_map.
> template<class Container>
> struct container_iterator {
> typedef typename Container::iterator type;
> typedef typename Container::const_iterator const_type;
> };

Hello Daniel,
Unfortunately I can't follow you, but I've encountered with similar (I
gues)) problem, could you take a look pleace at these posts.

Then reply from Doug

And in the end all compiles fine with the following modification in

Is this what about you talk?

// Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
// Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/pending/property.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>

namespace boost {

  enum default_color_type { white_color, gray_color, green_color, red_color, black_color };

  template <class ColorValue>
  struct color_traits {
    static default_color_type white() { return white_color; }
    static default_color_type gray() { return gray_color; }
    static default_color_type green() { return green_color; }
    static default_color_type red() { return red_color; }
    static default_color_type black() { return black_color; }
  // These functions are now obsolete, replaced by color_traits.
  inline default_color_type white(default_color_type) { return white_color; }
  inline default_color_type gray(default_color_type) { return gray_color; }
  inline default_color_type green(default_color_type) { return green_color; }
  inline default_color_type red(default_color_type) { return red_color; }
  inline default_color_type black(default_color_type) { return black_color; }

  template <>
  struct property_traits<default_color_type*> {
    typedef default_color_type value_type;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t key_type;
    typedef default_color_type& reference;
    typedef lvalue_property_map_tag category;
  // get/put already defined for T*

  struct graph_property_tag { };
  struct vertex_property_tag { };
  struct edge_property_tag { };

  // See examples/edge_property.cpp for how to use this.
  template <> struct property_kind<KIND##_##NAME##_t> { \
    typedef KIND##_property_tag type; \
  template <> struct property_kind<KIND##_##NAME##_t> { \
    typedef KIND##_property_tag type; \

  enum KIND##_##NAME##_t { KIND##_##NAME }; \

  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, all);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, all);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(graph, all);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, index);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, index1);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, index2);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, root);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, index);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, name);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, weight);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, weight2);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, color);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, name);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(graph, name);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, distance);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, color);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, degree);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, in_degree);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, out_degree);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, current_degree);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, priority);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, discover_time);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, finish_time);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, predecessor);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, rank);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, centrality);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, reverse);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, capacity);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, residual_capacity);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, centrality);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(graph, visitor);

  // These tags are used for property bundles
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(vertex, bundle);
  BOOST_DEF_PROPERTY(edge, bundle);


  namespace detail {

    struct dummy_edge_property_selector {
      template <class Graph, class Property, class Tag>
      struct bind_ {
        typedef identity_property_map type;
        typedef identity_property_map const_type;
    struct dummy_vertex_property_selector {
      template <class Graph, class Property, class Tag>
      struct bind_ {
        typedef identity_property_map type;
        typedef identity_property_map const_type;

  } // namespace detail

  // Graph classes can either partially specialize property_map
  // or they can specialize these two selector classes.
  template <class GraphTag>
  struct edge_property_selector {
    typedef detail::dummy_edge_property_selector type;

  template <class GraphTag>
  struct vertex_property_selector {
    typedef detail::dummy_vertex_property_selector type;

  namespace detail {

    template <class Graph, class PropertyTag>
    struct edge_property_map {
      typedef typename Graph::edge_property_type Property;
      typedef typename Graph::graph_tag graph_tag;
      typedef typename edge_property_selector<graph_tag>::type Selector;
      typedef typename Selector::template bind_<Graph,Property,PropertyTag>
      typedef typename Bind::type type;
      typedef typename Bind::const_type const_type;
    template <class Graph, class PropertyTag>
    class vertex_property_map {
      typedef typename Graph::vertex_property_type Property;
      typedef typename Graph::graph_tag graph_tag;
      typedef typename vertex_property_selector<graph_tag>::type Selector;
      typedef typename Selector::template bind_<Graph,Property,PropertyTag>
      typedef typename Bind::type type;
      typedef typename Bind::const_type const_type;

    // This selects the kind of property map, whether is maps from
    // edges or from vertices.
    // It is overly complicated because it's a workaround for
    // partial specialization.
    struct choose_vertex_property_map {
      template <class Graph, class Property>
      struct bind_ {
        typedef vertex_property_map<Graph, Property> type;
    struct choose_edge_property_map {
      template <class Graph, class Property>
      struct bind_ {
        typedef edge_property_map<Graph, Property> type;
    template <class Kind>
    struct property_map_kind_selector {
      // VC++ gets confused if this isn't defined, even though
      // this never gets used.
      typedef choose_vertex_property_map type;
    template <> struct property_map_kind_selector<vertex_property_tag> {
      typedef choose_vertex_property_map type;
    template <> struct property_map_kind_selector<edge_property_tag> {
      typedef choose_edge_property_map type;
  } // namespace detail

  template <class Graph, class Property>
  struct property_map {
    typedef typename property_kind<Property>::type Kind;
    typedef typename detail::property_map_kind_selector<Kind>::type Selector;
    typedef typename Selector::template bind_<Graph, Property> Bind;
    typedef typename Bind::type Map;
    typedef typename Map::type type;
    typedef typename Map::const_type const_type;

  // shortcut for accessing the value type of the property map
  template <class Graph, class Property>
  class property_map_value {
    typedef typename property_map<Graph, Property>::const_type PMap;
    typedef typename property_traits<PMap>::value_type type;

  template <class Graph, class Property>
  class graph_property {
    typedef typename property_value<typename Graph::graph_property_type,
      Property>::type type;

  template <class Graph>
  class vertex_property {
    typedef typename Graph::vertex_property_type type;
  template <class Graph>
  class edge_property {
    typedef typename Graph::edge_property_type type;

  template <typename Graph>
  class degree_property_map
    : public put_get_helper<typename graph_traits<Graph>::degree_size_type,
                            degree_property_map<Graph> >
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor key_type;
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::degree_size_type value_type;
    typedef value_type reference;
    typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
    degree_property_map(const Graph& g) : m_g(g) { }
    value_type operator[](const key_type& v) const {
      return degree(v, m_g);
    const Graph& m_g;
  template <typename Graph>
  inline degree_property_map<Graph>
  make_degree_map(const Graph& g) {
    return degree_property_map<Graph>(g);

  // Iterator Property Map Generating Functions contributed by
  // Kevin Vanhorn. (see also the property map generating functions
  // in boost/property_map.hpp)

  // A helper function for creating a vertex property map out of a
  // random access iterator and the internal vertex index map from a
  // graph.
  template <class PropertyGraph, class RandomAccessIterator>
    typename property_map<PropertyGraph, vertex_index_t>::type,
    typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type,
    typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::reference
  make_iterator_vertex_map(RandomAccessIterator iter, const PropertyGraph& g)
    return make_iterator_property_map(iter, get(vertex_index, g));
  // Use this next function when vertex_descriptor is known to be an
  // integer type, with values ranging from 0 to num_vertices(g).
  template <class RandomAccessIterator>
    typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type,
    typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::reference
  make_iterator_vertex_map(RandomAccessIterator iter)
    return make_iterator_property_map(iter, identity_property_map());

  template <class PropertyGraph, class RandomAccessContainer>
    typename RandomAccessContainer::iterator,
    typename property_map<PropertyGraph, vertex_index_t>::type,
    typename RandomAccessContainer::value_type,
    typename RandomAccessContainer::reference
  make_container_vertex_map(RandomAccessContainer& c, const PropertyGraph& g)
    assert(c.size() >= num_vertices(g));
    return make_iterator_vertex_map(c.begin(), g);

  template <class RandomAccessContainer> inline
    typename RandomAccessContainer::iterator,
    typename RandomAccessContainer::value_type,
    typename RandomAccessContainer::reference
  make_container_vertex_map(RandomAccessContainer& c)
    return make_iterator_vertex_map(c.begin());


  template<typename Graph, typename Descriptor, typename Bundle, typename T>
  struct bundle_property_map
    : put_get_helper<T&, bundle_property_map<Graph, Descriptor, Bundle, T> >
    typedef Descriptor key_type;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T& reference;
    typedef lvalue_property_map_tag category;

    bundle_property_map(Graph* g_, T Bundle::* pm_) : g(g_), pm(pm_) {}

    reference operator[](key_type k) const { return (*g)[k].*pm; }
    Graph* g;
    T Bundle::* pm;
  template<typename Graph, typename Descriptor, typename Bundle, typename T>
  struct bundle_property_map
    : put_get_helper<T&, bundle_property_map<Graph, Descriptor, Bundle, T> >
        template <class Graph1, class Descriptor1, class Bundle1, class T1>
        friend struct bundle_property_map;

    typedef Descriptor key_type;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T& reference;
    typedef lvalue_property_map_tag category;

    bundle_property_map(Graph* g_, T Bundle::* pm_) : g(g_), pm(pm_) {}
/*added*/ bundle_property_map(const bundle_property_map & rhs_) : g(rhs_.g), pm( {}

/*added*/template <class Graph1, class Descriptor1, class Bundle1, class T1>
        bundle_property_map(const bundle_property_map<Graph1, Descriptor1, Bundle1, T1> & rhs_) : g(rhs_.g), pm( {}

    reference operator[](key_type k) const { return (*g)[k].*pm; }
    Graph* g;
    T Bundle::* pm;

  namespace detail {
    template<typename VertexBundle, typename EdgeBundle, typename Bundle>
      struct is_vertex_bundle : is_convertible<Bundle*, VertexBundle*> {};
  template <typename Graph, typename T, typename Bundle>
  struct property_map<Graph, T Bundle::*>
    typedef graph_traits<Graph> traits;
    typedef typename Graph::vertex_bundled vertex_bundled;
    typedef typename Graph::edge_bundled edge_bundled;
    typedef typename ct_if<(detail::is_vertex_bundle<vertex_bundled, edge_bundled, Bundle>::value),
                       typename traits::vertex_descriptor,
                       typename traits::edge_descriptor>::type
    typedef bundle_property_map<Graph, descriptor, Bundle, T> type;
    typedef bundle_property_map<const Graph, descriptor, Bundle, const T> const_type;

} // namespace boost


Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at