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From: Douglas Gregor (doug.gregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-25 08:35:14

On Apr 25, 2006, at 8:14 AM, Daniel Mitchell wrote:

> On the topic of filtered_graph, do any algorithms fundamentally
> require vertex
> indices to lie in [0,1,...,num_vertices), or is this needed/
> reccomended only
> when an algorithm has to allocate its own, say, color map?

It's needed any time you create a property map that is indexed by the
vertex_index values, which happens in nearly every BGL algorithm.

> As noted in the
> documentation, such a requirement interacts badly with
> filtered_graph. The
> docs claim that "the problem is being worked on," but is it really?

Well, no, it isn't really being worked on. Every time it comes up, we
just reaffirm the original decision. It's weird, but it seems to be
the right answer.


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