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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-26 11:09:04

Ronald Garcia wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> You are correct that the documentation is ambiguous on this point.
> The MultiArray concept should explicitly state the restrictions on
> the relationship
> between both arrays involved in a comparison. However, the library
> should have been designed to allow comparisons between different
> models of MultiArray.

Now, that is the main issue. How difficult would it be to implement
the functionality as templates in terms of the valid operations
described in the concept? That is what is really needed.

Robert Ramey

>I will see about updating the documentation
> and the implementation to reflect this. However, it won't appear
> until the release of Boost following the current release.
> Thanks for pointing this out.
> ron
> On Apr 21, 2006, at 2:57 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:
>> I have a problem what is demonstrated in the attached file.
>> Basically I have the following
>> create multi_array - a1
>> create a view on the multiarray which has the same number of
>> dimensions
>> a1_view
>> a1 == a1_view fails to compile.
>> The attached example illustrates this. In the example I verify that
>> both a1 and a1_view fullfill the requirements for Multi Array. The
>> documentation
>> states that in order for a type to be a model of the Multi Array
>> concept.
>> The
>> operations
>> a == b must be valid.
>> Actually the documentation could be considered ambiguous on this
>> point. But
>> that is was I get from a plain reading of the document and from a
>> common
>> sense
>> interpretation. If two types meeting the requirements of the Multi
>> Array
>> concept
>> have the same number of dimensions, I expect to be able to compare
>> them as
>> this is natural operation to perform and implement.

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