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From: Salim Fadhley (salimfadhley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-12 13:00:17

Roman Neuhauser wrote:

> Probably "bjam -sTOOLS=gcc", or "bjam -sTOOLS=gcc-stlport".
> could use
> some improvements.
I tried both of the above, and "bjam" with no options at all and on each
occasion the following error happened. It says that "no toolsets are
configured" - so how does one cofigure a toolset?

And which of the enormous quantity of boost documentation is it asking
me to refer to? Could this mean that the Gentoo build of boost.python is
flawed? If so, can anybody express the nature of this fault in such a
way that I can raise it as a bug report on the gentoo bug tracker?



sal_at_pabstus /usr/share/boost-build/v2/example/hello $ bjam
warning: no toolsets are configured.
warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs.
warning: please consult the documentation.

/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build/targets.jam:1245: in construct from
module object(typed-target)@1
error: unable to construct ./hello
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build/targets.jam:1128: in
object(typed-target)@1.generate from module object(typed-target)@1
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build/targets.jam:757: in generate-really from
module object(main-target)@1
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build/targets.jam:730: in
object(main-target)@1.generate from module object(main-target)@1
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build/targets.jam:252: in
object(project-target)@3.generate from module object(project-target)@3
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/build-system.jam:276: in load from module
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/example/../kernel/modules.jam:259: in import
from module modules
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/example/../kernel/bootstrap.jam:153: in
boost-build from module
/usr/share/boost-build/v2/example/boost-build.jam:2: in module scope
from module

sal_at_pabstus /usr/share/boost-build/v2/example/hello $

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