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From: Rush Manbert (rush_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-12 16:50:18

Jaime Rios wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I didn't see my post appear on the list, so I will post it again...
> This might be a silly question, or one that has already been addressed
> in the past, but here goes anyway. I have Xcode 2.4 and recently, I had
> to compile a static library for Universal code. I had to install the
> 10.2.8 Mac OS X sdk and when I went to compile my library, I got 66
> errors :( Here is the first error I saw:


> The last error is the interesting one. I am assuming that the Boost sdk
> is forcing my compiler to look in the /usr/include path for the string
> header file instead of the Mac OS X 10.2.8 sdk path. Is this assumption
> correct? If so, how do I correct this problem?
I doubt that Boost is forcing the library path. Did you change the
project-level "Cross-Develop Using Target SDK" setting for 10.2.8 in Xcode?

- Rush

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