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From: Andrew Holden (aholden_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-06 14:04:45

David Abrahams wrote:
> "Andrew Holden" <aholden_at_[hidden]> writes:
> >
> > I would say that it has worked / is working for me. I began my
study of
> > metaprogramming with David and Aleksey's book and found that it
> > a clear understanding of the principles. Using that book, I was
able to
> > write a metaprogram to help manage a dialog box's controls,
> That sounds cool; can you tell us more?

Sure. I'm not sure if you were asking about my experiences with the
book, or if you wanted to know about that metaprogram I mentioned. I'll
try to answer both.

When I picked up C++ Template Metaprogramming, I know nothing about
metaprogramming or functional programming. It took me a while to get
through parts of the book, particularly because of the functional
aspects of the template system.

I am currently going through Modern C++ Design, and I find myself not
viewing it as a source to learn about metaprogramming, but rather as a
book about generic programming that often uses metaprogramming
techniques as an implementation detail.

As for my metaprogram, I was motivated by the need to resize dialog
boxes in Microsoft Windows. Windows has no built-in support for moving
controls when a dialog box is resized.

My solution was to create some classes to implement various relations
between the dialog's size and a control's position/size. These controls
only worry about positioning one edge of the control. They wound up
implementing simple linear equations, with the slope either passed at
compile time or built into the class definition, and the constant offset
calculated at runtime from the control's initial position.

I then created a control class which takes the Windows control ID and
four position classes as template parameters. It is responsible for
actually determining the control's initial position on dialog creation
and moving the control. This allows the user to mix and match different
position formulas for each edge of the control. I also created a bunch
of typedefs for what I consider common control positions (relative to
top-left, relative to bottom-right, stretch horizontally, etc.).

Finally, I created a manager class, which takes a type sequence of
control classes and ensures they all get updated when the user resizes
the dialog. It collects their data in a private member using
mpl::inherit_linearly and iterates through them using mpl::for_each.

To use these classes, I define an mpl vector of control classes, either
using the typedefs I mentioned earlier, or specifying control <id, top,
left, bottom, right>. I then instantiate a manager class, passing this
vector as a template parameter. After that, it is just a matter of
calling the initialize and resize (runtime) functions in the appropriate

I would be happy to provide the code for this, but I am not sure where I
should post it.

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