Boost Users : |
From: shunsuke (pstade.mb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-19 04:23:24
abir basak wrote:
> It is better if I try to post some code to show what I exactly trying to do.
> ( I am trying to capture digital pen input and create a hierarchical
> structure from it )
> ///This is a range (2 point index, which can create 2 iterators with the
> ///help of the container, I am using boost::sub_range for that )
> typedef std::pair<std::size_t,std::size_t> range_t;
> ///This is a multi index range allows iterate over a few specific index
> ///on a container , used with my index_range and container. (for
> ///simplicity now it uses vector, it can be any container )
> typedef std::vector<size_t> index_t;
> ///The index range. iterates over the specific position on the container
> ///a simplified version to show the concept. It has const correctness
> ///and all other functions that sub_range has. It takes container &
> ///index vector unlike iterators in boost::sub_range.
> template<typename C>
> class index_range{
> public:
> typedef C container_type;
> typedef typename C::iterator iterator;
> typedef typename C::reference reference;
> typedef typename C::pointer pointer;
> typedef typename C::size_type size_type;
> private:
> index_t index_;
> C& c_;
> size_type pos_;
> public:
> index_range(C& c,index_t index) : c_(c),index_(index) , pos_(0){}
> size_type size()const { return index_.size();}
> reference operator[](size_type pos) { return c_[ index_[pos] ] };
> reference front() { return c_[index_[0] ] ;}
> reference back() { return c_[index_[size()-1]] ; }
> reference operator++(){
> return c_[index_ [ pos_ ++] ] ;
> }
> };
> ///The point comes as user input through digital pen
> struct point{
> int x;
> int y;
> point(int _x,int _y) : x(_x),y(_y){}
> };
> typedef std::deque<point> point_buffer;
> typedef boost::sub_range<point_buffer> point_range;
> ///The buffer of points.
> point_buffer points;
> ///trace a continuous user writing, until pen up. points a portion
> ///of point_buffer
> struct trace{
> range_t range;
> point_range get_points() {
> return
> boost::make_iterator_range(points.begin()+range.first,points.begin()+range.second);
> }
> };
> typedef std::deque<trace> trace_buffer;
> typedef boost::sub_range<trace_buffer> trace_range;
> typedef index_range<trace_buffer> trace_index_range;
> ///buffer for traces.
> trace_buffer traces;
> ///a page contains a set of traces.
> struct page{
> range_t range;
> trace_range get_traces(){
> return
> boost::make_iterator_range(traces.begin()+range.first,traces.begin()+range.second);
> }
> };
> ///a word contains a few discrete traces, may not be continuous to
> ///represent by 2 index. But 2 word may not contain same trace. i.e
> ///common way of writing, but 2 or more character may contain same trace
> //(like cursive writing)
> struct word{
> index_t index;
> trace_index_range get_traces(){
> return index_range<trace_buffer>(traces,index);
> }
> };
> A few additional things do happen, like each container keeps track of
> how many elements had been removed, to translate properly from index to
> iterator.
> So there are 3 library I am searching,
> 1) Index -> iterator , and iterator -> index conversion
> (I know that 2 famous facts in STL that iterator doesn't know container
> and their position, but that is only applicable for pointers . There is
> no harm to know this facts from iterator. and thus some library can do
> to-from conversion between iterator & index position , or better
> sub_range & pair<index_t,index_t> any library ?
Boost has 'counting_iterator'.
You can call 'counting_iterator::base()' if you want the 'index'.
> 2) a library like index_range, which hops over a container (random
> access preferably ) adding an user specified offset to the iterator
> position
Boost has 'permutation_iterator'.
Unfortunately, 'boost::permutation_iterator' cannot work with
'boost::counting_iterator', hence requires a patch something like this..
> 3) an utility which allows to refer a portion (or some portions ) of a
> container to be stored ( i.e store by index & return by iterator )
> inside another class , using the above two library ....
If you take the portions represented by different types into
a single deque, Dr.Becker's 'any_iterator' is a candidate.
Well, you have to make a range by using these iterators,
because Boost doesn't have the range wrappers yet.
It would be something like this.. http://tinyurl.com/38474e
Finally, I've written everything noted above. :-)
-- Shunsuke Sogame
Boost-users list run by williamkempf at hotmail.com, kalb at libertysoft.com, bjorn.karlsson at readsoft.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, wekempf at cox.net