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From: dhruva (dhruvakm_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-22 13:19:29


On 9/22/07, Kirit Sælensminde <kirit.saelensminde_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> A final disclaimer. I personally have ambitions of getting into
> technical writing which is one reason for me doing this. My company
> wants to show of its framework which is their reason. The framework is
> not open source yet, but will be. At the moment we're having trouble
> deciding whether to use the GPL or a reciprocal license. We'd prefer the
> latter, but suspect nearly everybody else would prefer the former.

I just hope we never lose the communities interest. Frankly, I
personally would feel more comfortable if it is hosted on
A privately held company hosting a WIKI based setup to get the
community involved should not end up making it propitiatory and have a
COPYRIGHT since it was hosted on their servers. We just need to be
I do appreciate the fact that someone has seriously come forward, it
is a good step forward.


Dhruva Krishnamurthy
Contents reflect my personal views only!

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