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From: Juho Eskeli (juho.eskeli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-23 05:14:57

Hi, I've got a following problem: is it possible to add extra cost to edge
weight if changing direction? What I mean is I have created a map of vertexes
with weights and each vertex has edges to general cardinal points
(n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw). Now that the algorithm has found a shortest distance from
origin to, let's say southeast. Now all the other edges than the one going
southeast are penalized.

Figure of the situation:
                -o- <- starting point
Least distance > o-o <- Penalized
                 o <- Not penalized, moving to south

o denotes a vertex, - and | are edges

I presume dijkstra visitor should be used for this, but I'm too much of a
newbie. Any help appreciated.

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