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From: John C. Femiani (john.femiani_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-18 21:27:57

Tjernstrom, Staffan wrote:
> No, unless I also define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK, but then I have to copy across the boost test dll (it's not picked up in the manifest by default).
> As far as I can tell, the culprit seems to be the following in <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

>> I keep getting the LNK1561: entry point must be defined error. I know
>> that it's looking for, and picking up, the
>> libboost_unit_test_framework-vc80-mt-1_35.lib as if I remove the
>> /LIBPATH from the link command options it compains that it cannot find
>> that library.

Open a VS command prompt window, go to the lib folder, and type:

dumpbin libboost_unit_test_framework-vc80-mt-1_35.lib /LINKERMEMBER >

Then open symbols.txt and search for _main.

If its missing, try rebuilding the lib.


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