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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Already successfully running Boost on Linux, looking for advice from Windows Boost adopters
From: Johan Nilsson (r.johan.nilsson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-15 03:10:21

Ramon F Herrera wrote:
> Some weeks ago, Boost caught my attention, and I am now a more than
> satisfied user. The assistance received in this forum is one of the
> factors in my "two thumbs up" evaluation of Boost. Give yourselves a
> round of applause. :^)
> Since I can't help but getting into progressively harder stuff (i.e.,
> getting into trouble), I am considering using Boost on the Windows
> side.

If you're coming from Unix development, it should be a piece of cake. Just
download the tarball/zipfile, unpack and use the Getting Started guide to
build from the command-line.

> My background is Unix development but I have been teaching myself
> Visual C++ lately. I mostly build and integrate stuff written by
> other programmers.
> I am trying to decide whether I should delve deeper into Boost on the
> Linux side (which is quickly becoming a walk in the park), or take the
> plunge into Windows. Are there gotchas or caveats? Can I just download
> Boost and select "Build solution"?

No. Were you able to do that under Linux? Sorry, but I just can't understand
why people in general associate Windows development with IDEs only.

> My current platform is Visual Studio, Version 8 (2005). I don't intend
> to upgrade it until I have no choice.

I've been using vc8 exclusively with Boost until now, when I've just started
out using vc9 in parallel. No real need to update.

The only real showstopper I can seem to remember with vc8 is failure to
properly export some symbols from filesystem when compiling as a dll (Boost
c:a 1.34). Don't know if that's fixed in vc8sp1, or worked around in later
Boost versions. Probably is.

> I have found that to be a safe
> policy -better safe than sorry-, specially when the software comes
> from Redmond.

Hmmm. There are actually a few developers around that are successfully
delivering C++ software developed with Boost as one of the tools under
multiple operating systems, using multiple toolsets. Every tool and platform
has it's own set of problems. I don't believe prejudices (or, personal
opinions) such as stated above will help you in getting their attention.
Just my 0.02EUR.

Why not just try it out and get back with specific problems/questions on the
Boost.Build mailing list?

Best regards,

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at