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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [serialization] object tracking for shared strings
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-17 15:20:32

> I'd be happy to help by writing serialization code, where it does not
> exists and I know the library. I am just not sure if it gets accepted
> or will just be a waste of effort. I remember someone floated code
> for serializing filesystem::path objects on this mailing list an
> eternity ago, which was never incorporated into a stable release.

If you need to serialize something you have to write the code.
If you like what you've done you can uploaded it to the vault. A
few people have done this.

Adding to a stable release is a whole 'nother thing. It requires
that the package work for all archives, tests which pass on
almost all compilers and documentation. Turns out this is
a lot more effort than most people can justify. But, all this
doesn't apply if it's just added to the vault.

There is serialization for flyweight in the sandbox. However
it was implemented in a way which required changes in the
base library and it's interface. I couldn't accept this. But the
code is still there if anyone cares to check it out.

Robert Ramey

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