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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Tracking down a race condition
From: Stephen Torri (storri_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-25 18:44:33

On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 19:38 +0100, Roland Bock wrote:

> You can see what is happening by making the writing of logs slower:
> void Trace::threadMain()
> {
> boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //
> Insert this
> boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock ( m_lock );
> ...

I made it slower adding in the line. I did not see anything in the
output. How did you observe the program after adding that line? Did you
use a debugger or just execute it?

I ran it in gdb with the following commands:

(gdb) b myproject::trace::Trace::threadMain
(gdb) r

This got me into the threadMain when it is started for the first time.
Where I noticed that m_hasWork was set to false. I was expecting the
initalizers to be executed before calling the thread creation. I moved
the initialization of m_hasWork to just before the thread creation but
it appears to be still false when I ran it again. So I put it inside the
threadMain to set m_hasWork to true. Well it appears that there is a one
copy of m_hasWork in the thread memory space which is different from the
main program memory space.

I moved the file opening to just before the creating the thread and
closed if after the join in the destructor.

Now it writes but fails to exit. I believe this is related problem to
the m_hasWork since the thread never exits because its version of
m_hasWork is always true.

Am I creating the thread incorrectly? The following code shows the


#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/once.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

namespace myproject { namespace api {

     * \brief Trace level constants
     * \date 2003
     * \author Stephen Torri
    class TraceLevel {
      enum Values {
        NONE = 0,
        WARN = 10,
        ERROR = 20,
        INFO = 30,
        DEBUG = 40,
        DETAIL = 50,
        DATA = 60

  } // namespace api
} // namespace myproject

namespace myproject { namespace interface {

    class ITraceable {

      typedef boost::shared_ptr<ITraceable> ptr_t;

      virtual std::string get_Formatted_String() = 0;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getLevel() = 0;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getPID() = 0;

      virtual boost::thread::id getThreadID() = 0;
  } // namespace interface
} // namespace myproject

namespace myproject { namespace trace {

    class StringTraceable : public interface::ITraceable

      StringTraceable ( boost::uint32_t area, boost::uint32_t level, std::string name )
        : m_area ( area ),
          m_level ( level ),
          m_name ( name )
#ifndef WIN32
        m_pid = getpid();
        m_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
#endif /* WIN32 */

        m_thread_id = boost::this_thread::get_id();

      virtual ~StringTraceable(){}

      virtual std::string get_Formatted_String()
        return m_name;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getLevel()
        return m_level;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getPID()
        return m_pid;

      virtual boost::thread::id getThreadID()
        return m_thread_id;


      boost::uint32_t m_area;
      boost::uint32_t m_level;
      boost::uint32_t m_pid;
      boost::thread::id m_thread_id;
      std::string m_name;

    template <typename UnsignedType>
    class NumberTraceable : public interface::ITraceable

      NumberTraceable ( boost::uint32_t area, boost::uint32_t level, std::string name, UnsignedType line )
        : m_area ( area ),
          m_level ( level ),
          m_name ( name ),
          m_line ( line )
#ifndef WIN32
        m_pid = getpid();
        m_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
#endif /* WIN32 */

        m_thread_id = boost::this_thread::get_id();

      virtual ~NumberTraceable(){}

      virtual std::string get_Formatted_String()
        return m_name;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getLevel()
        return m_level;

      virtual boost::uint32_t getPID()
        return m_pid;

      virtual boost::thread::id getThreadID()
        return m_thread_id;


      boost::uint32_t m_area;
      boost::uint32_t m_level;
      boost::uint32_t m_pid;
      boost::thread::id m_thread_id;
      std::string m_name;
      UnsignedType m_line;

    template <typename T>
    struct storage_for
      boost::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), boost::alignment_of<T>::value> data;
    template <typename T>
    class Singleton : boost::noncopyable
      static T& Instance()
        boost::call_once ( init, m_flag );
        return *m_obj;

      static void init ()
        m_obj.reset ( new T() );




      static boost::scoped_ptr<T> m_obj;
      static boost::once_flag m_flag;

  } // namespace trace
} // namespace trace

template <typename T> boost::scoped_ptr<T> myproject::trace::Singleton<T>::m_obj ( 0 );
template <typename T> boost::once_flag myproject::trace::Singleton<T>::m_flag = BOOST_ONCE_INIT;

namespace myproject { namespace trace {

    class Trace_State_Utils {

      static std::string get_Level_String ( boost::uint32_t level )
        // Write message prefix
        if ( level == api::TraceLevel::WARN )
                return "(WW) ";
        else if ( level == api::TraceLevel::ERROR )
                return "(EE) ";
        else if ( level == api::TraceLevel::INFO )
                return "(II) ";
        else if ( level == api::TraceLevel::DEBUG )
                return "(DEBUG) ";
        else if ( level == api::TraceLevel::DETAIL )
                return "(DETAIL) ";
        else if ( level == api::TraceLevel::DATA )
                return "(DATA) ";
                // We should not be here

    /* Idea taken from
     * (28 Jan 2002 - Xiangyang Liu)
     * I have modified this so that we don't use varargs and use constant types
    class Trace_State {

      typedef boost::shared_ptr<Trace_State> ptr_t;

        : m_file_prefix ( "Trace" )

      virtual ~Trace_State();

      Trace_State ( std::string prefix );

      void set_Trace_File_Prefix ( std::string name );

      void set_Trace_Level ( boost::uint32_t level );

      void set_Trace_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t mask );

      void open_Trace_File ( void );

      std::string get_ID_String ( void );

      void close_Trace_File ( void );

      boost::uint32_t get_Trace_Level ( void ) const;

      boost::uint32_t get_Trace_Area_Mask ( void ) const;

      bool is_Valid_Level ( boost::uint32_t lvl );

      bool is_Valid_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t mask );

      void write_Message ( interface::ITraceable::ptr_t trace )
        // Write ID
        m_log_stream << boost::format("%s (pid=%d thread_id=" )
          % this->get_ID_String()
          % trace->getPID()
                     << trace->getThreadID()
                     << ") "
                     << std::flush;
        m_log_stream << Trace_State_Utils::get_Level_String(trace->getLevel()) << trace->get_Formatted_String() << std::endl << std::flush;


      std::string m_file_prefix;

      std::ofstream m_log_stream;

  } /* namespace trace */
} /* namespace trace */

namespace myproject { namespace trace {

    Trace_State::Trace_State( std::string prefix )
        : m_file_prefix ( prefix )


    Trace_State::set_Trace_File_Prefix ( std::string name )

    Trace_State::is_Valid_Level ( boost::uint32_t lvl )
      return true;

    Trace_State::is_Valid_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t )
      return true;

    Trace_State::set_Trace_Level ( boost::uint32_t level )

    Trace_State::set_Trace_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t mask )

    Trace_State::open_Trace_File ( void )
        if ( ! m_log_stream.is_open() )
              // Create file name
              std::stringstream name;

              name << boost::format("%s_%s.txt")
                % m_file_prefix
                % this->get_ID_String();
              std::string file_name = name.str();
     ( file_name.c_str() );

    Trace_State::get_ID_String ( void )
        // Create id string
        std::stringstream name;

        // Get current time
        boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();

        std::tm tm_ref = boost::posix_time::to_tm ( now );

        boost::gregorian::date today =;

        name << boost::format ( "%1%_%2%:%3%:%4%" )
            % boost::gregorian::to_iso_extended_string ( today )
            % tm_ref.tm_hour
            % tm_ref.tm_min
            % tm_ref.tm_sec;

        return name.str();

    Trace_State::close_Trace_File ( void )
        if ( m_log_stream.is_open() )
              m_log_stream << std::flush;


    Trace_State::get_Trace_Level ( void ) const
        return 0;

    Trace_State::get_Trace_Area_Mask ( void ) const
        return 0;

} /* namespace trace */
} /* namespace trace */

namespace myproject { namespace trace {

    // Turn Trace into a singleton class that contains a worker thread
    // - Wait for data
    // - If data exists then process
    // - Else wait
    // Add method for adding a ITraceable object. This will lock the logging vector, add
    // element then signal the boost condition variable
    class Trace : public Singleton<Trace> {

      friend class Singleton<Trace>;



      static void write_Trace ( boost::uint32_t area, boost::uint32_t level, std::string name )
        interface::ITraceable::ptr_t string_ptr ( new StringTraceable ( area, level, name ) );
        Trace::Instance().add_Trace ( string_ptr );

      template <typename UnsignedType>
      static void write_Trace ( boost::uint32_t area, boost::uint32_t level, std::string format, UnsignedType value )
        interface::ITraceable::ptr_t unsigned_ptr ( new NumberTraceable<UnsignedType> ( area, level, format, value ) );
        Trace::Instance().add_Trace ( unsigned_ptr );

      void add_Trace ( interface::ITraceable::ptr_t trace );

      void set_Trace_Level ( boost::uint32_t level );

      void set_Trace_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t mask );



      // Worker thread functions
      void threadMain();
      void processTraces(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock);

      // Synchronization variables
      boost::mutex m_lock;
      boost::condition_variable m_condition;

      // Data variables
      typedef std::vector < myproject::interface::ITraceable::ptr_t > QueueType;
      QueueType m_queue;

      // Thread variables
      boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> m_thread;
      bool m_hasWork;

      // Logging
      Trace_State m_state;

  } /* namespace trace */
} /* namespace myproject */

namespace myproject { namespace trace {

    Trace::Trace ()
      : m_hasWork ( true ),
        m_state ( "Trace" )

      // start thread
      m_thread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> ( new boost::thread ( boost::bind ( &Trace::threadMain, this ) ) );

      // stop thread
        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock ( m_lock );
        m_hasWork = false;




    void Trace::add_Trace ( interface::ITraceable::ptr_t trace )
      // lock queue
        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock ( m_lock );
        m_queue.push_back ( trace );

    void Trace::threadMain()
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock ( m_lock );
      m_hasWork = true;

      while ( m_hasWork )
          if ( m_queue.size() == 0 )
              m_condition.wait ( lock );

    void Trace::processTraces(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock)
      assert ( lock.owns_lock() );

      QueueType local_queue ( m_queue.begin(), m_queue.end() );


      for ( QueueType::iterator pos = local_queue.begin();
            pos != local_queue.end();
            pos++ )
          myproject::interface::ITraceable::ptr_t trace_obj = (*pos);
          m_state.write_Message ( trace_obj );


    void Trace::set_Trace_Level ( boost::uint32_t level )
      m_state.set_Trace_Level ( level );

    void Trace::set_Trace_Area_Mask ( boost::uint32_t mask )
      m_state.set_Trace_Area_Mask ( mask );

  } /* namespace trace */
} /* namespace myproject */

int main ( int, char** )
  namespace trace = myproject::trace;
  namespace api = myproject::api;

  myproject::interface::ITraceable::ptr_t tmp_ptr ( new trace::StringTraceable( 0, api::TraceLevel::INFO, "funky" ) );

  trace::Trace::Instance().add_Trace ( tmp_ptr );

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at