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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Custom services using boost::asio
From: Marat Abrarov (abrarov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-08-16 15:05:42
Hi, Allan.
> The Io part is easy to fit into asio, but I'm having problems seeing what
> the best way is to implement the core application event processing.
> Using glib::source I could register an interface where two function is
> called:
> bool prepare (int &timeout);
> bool dispatch (sigc::slot_base *slot);
> Prepare could set a time out identifying how much time should elapse before
> dispatch is ready to process an event.
> When the time is passed, the glib main loop will call the dispatch function,
> where I then can process the internal events.
> How can this be implemented in boost::asio io_service?
May be boost::asio::deadline_timer can help you?
Marat Abrarov.
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