Boost Users :
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649 Messages |
Starting: | 2001-09-28 19:44:07 |
Ending: | 2025-02-12 07:38:14 |
- [Boost-users] #define BOOST_ASSERT_MSG_OSTREAM std::cout - message is not displayed
- [Boost-users] (no subject)
- [Boost-users] 99 Bottles of Beer using Boost MPL, feedback invited
- [Boost-users] : dynamically linked libraries looking for static
- [Boost-users] [!! SPAM] [Boost.Wave] util::file_position<> and asserted !is_escaped_lit(..) requirement
- [Boost-users] [ASIO] Send data on a socket
- [Boost-users] [asio] sync operations with timeout
- [Boost-users] [asio] user defined composed operations and strands
- [Boost-users] [BGL] bundled properties and forward declarations (changes from 1.42 -> 1.46.1 ?)
- [Boost-users] [BGL] resize/reserve on graph?
- [Boost-users] [bimap] Problem with finding elements in a vector_of
- [Boost-users] [bind] deduce arguments types
- [Boost-users] [Bind] Unresolved overloaded function type
- [Boost-users] [boost-build] Dynamic linking dependency propagation on mac os x
- [Boost-users] [boost.asio 1.47] : changing host time
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Build] Problem with the Boost library support module
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Log] Compiling
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Range][Boost.Iterators] - iterator as pointer
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Serialization] Serializing "abstract" classes
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Serialization] Serializing "abstract"classes
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Signals] set_connection
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Test]feature request to list testcase tree
- [Boost-users] [Boost.Wave] util::file_position<> and asserted !is_escaped_lit(..) requirement
- [Boost-users] [boost::polygon::transform.hpp] Concatenation of transformations fails.
- [Boost-users] [boost::polygon::transform.hpp]Concatenation of transformations fails.
- [Boost-users] [boost] [Containers Library Review] The review of the Containers library by Ion Gaztanaga starts today
- [Boost-users] [boost] [Containers Library Review] The review ofthe Containers library by Ion Gaztanaga starts today
- [Boost-users] [boost] [review] Conversion review starts today
- [Boost-users] [boost] [type traits] Extension to operator detection -> choose your preferred naming
- [Boost-users] [Boost][Test] Compile error with BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW
- [Boost-users] [boost][uuid][release] Changelog for 1.47.0 does not properly warn about critical bug
- [Boost-users] [build] cannot specify different version of gcc
- [Boost-users] [C++0x] ISO/IEC approves C++0x standard!
- [Boost-users] [chrono] using user + system process cpu time
- [Boost-users] [Concept] Ignoring return types
- [Boost-users] [Container] Forward declaration of movable types
- [Boost-users] [Containers Library Review] The review of the Containers library by Ion Gaztanaga starts today
- [Boost-users] [Containers Review Result] Boost.Containers is accepted into Boost.
- [Boost-users] [containers review] A reminder that the containers review ends tomorrow
- [Boost-users] [Containers] Marshalling deques
- [Boost-users] [Date Time] format_date_parser.parse_date fails to compile with "treat wchar_t as builtin type" set to No
- [Boost-users] [filesystem] misidentifies file type on Solaris x86 64-bit
- [Boost-users] [filesystem] posix path on cygwin disappeared - how to make it work?
- [Boost-users] [Filesystem] There must be a better way to do path decomposition
- [Boost-users] [fusion] adapt std::tuple to be a fusion sequence?
- [Boost-users] [Fusion] Is there an assignment function for any two conformant sequences?
- [Boost-users] [fusion]Is it possible to wrap a function template into a function object?
- [Boost-users] [geometry] weird define in adapted fusion sequence
- [Boost-users] [Interprocess] hang locking p_hdr->m_mutex
- [Boost-users] [IOStream] issue
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] encryption filters
- [Boost-users] [IOStreams] Is such a behaviour considered as bug
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] issue
- [Boost-users] [iostreams] Unresolved external symbols gzip_footer::process etc.
- [Boost-users] [iterator] [iterator_facade] Why is advance not defined for bidirectional iterators?
- [Boost-users] [Iterator]Can dereference() in iterator_adaptor return a temporary value?
- [Boost-users] [math][tools][units] generic libraries not generic enough
- [Boost-users] [math][tools][units] generic libraries not genericenough
- [Boost-users] [math][tools][units] generic libraries notgenericenough
- [Boost-users] [math][tools][units] generic librariesnotgenericenough
- [Boost-users] [math][tools][units] genericlibrariesnotgenericenough
- [Boost-users] [MPI][Boost] Some Questions About Delta Stepping Dijkstra in Boost
- [Boost-users] [mpl] Safe to instantiate mpl classes for tag-dispatch-by-instance?
- [Boost-users] [mpl][fusion] Issues in the mpl/fusion interface
- [Boost-users] [MSM] How to use is_flag_active inside on_entry ?
- [Boost-users] [MSM] Is there an elegant way to get the outermost FSM?
- [Boost-users] [MSM] Is there an elegant way to get the outermostFSM?
- [Boost-users] [MSM] looking for a recursive get_state_name
- [Boost-users] [multi-index][foreach] Iterating over a sequence index (worked in 1.46, broke in 1.47)
- [Boost-users] [network] Bagged, Tagged, New Release 0.9.1
- [Boost-users] [NEWBIE] [BGL] Compile error while using greedy graph coloring example v1.47.0
- [Boost-users] [phoenix] Simple bind example not compiling
- [Boost-users] [Program Options] notifiers for options with no value
- [Boost-users] [program_options] Best practices, esp. for multi-app-projects?
- [Boost-users] [python] converting C++ object to PyObject
- [Boost-users] [qi and lambda] Get wrong reaction of the qi::rule if I use lambda for the action
- [Boost-users] [qi][lambda] Get wrong reaction of the qi::rule if I use lambda for the action
- [Boost-users] [range] range metafunctions and reference types
- [Boost-users] [range] What's the best way to initialize a new container from a range?
- [Boost-users] [Range] Why adaptor stores iterator_range instead of its underlying range?
- [Boost-users] [Regex | Xpressive] Efficiently "grepping" large files
- [Boost-users] [Repost][Boost][Serialization] ASSERT triggered during reading 1.40 binary archive w/ Boost 1.47
- [Boost-users] [Repost][Boost][Serialization] ASSERT triggeredduring reading 1.40 binary archive w/ Boost 1.47
- [Boost-users] [Repost][Boost][Serialization] ASSERTtriggered during reading 1.40 binary archive w/ Boost 1.47
- [Boost-users] [review] Conversion review starts today
- [Boost-users] [Review] Review results for Lockfree
- [Boost-users] [Serialization | Multi-Array] About the array.hpp header
- [Boost-users] [serialization] : compile problem
- [Boost-users] [serialization] bad cast for shared library compiled by g++ with visibility=hidden
- [Boost-users] [serialization] deserializing asynchronously serialized types
- [Boost-users] [serialization] deserializing asynchronouslyserialized types
- [Boost-users] [serialization] Export macro doesnt work
- [Boost-users] [Serialization] Linker error on BOOST_CLASS_EXPORTupgrading from 1.44.0
- [Boost-users] [serialization] overloading load_construct_data: no accessible constructor at all
- [Boost-users] [Serialization] Prevent member serialization in a non intrusive situation
- [Boost-users] [serialization] The famous non-const value trap
- [Boost-users] [serialization] unregistered class exception when using BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID
- [Boost-users] [serialization] unregistered class exception whenusing BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID
- [Boost-users] [Signals\Signals2] Move semantics
- [Boost-users] [test][1.47] Test cases segfault after completion
- [Boost-users] [thread] 1.47 on cygwin 1.7 -> undefined reference to boost::detail::set_tss_data::shared_ptr::tss_cleanup
- [Boost-users] [thread] boost::this_thread::get_id causing interrupt
- [Boost-users] [type traits] Extension to operator detection -> choose your preferred naming
- [Boost-users] [type traits] Extension to operator operatordetection -> choose your preferred naming
- [Boost-users] [units]
- [Boost-users] [units] derived_dimension<volume_dimension, 1> units showing as "dimensionless"
- [Boost-users] [units] How to multiply a quantity with a dimensionless factor
- [Boost-users] [units] setting up a derived dimensionless with a custom name/symbol
- [Boost-users] [uuid][release] Changelog for 1.47.0 does not properly warn about critical bug
- [Boost-users] [wave] Tracing a macro in a preprocessor directive
- [Boost-users] About Bug #4978 (deadlock on interrupt)
- [Boost-users] access violation with asio
- [Boost-users] accumulator: serialization support
- [Boost-users] adding elements to a std::container in a
- [Boost-users] adding elements to a std::container in a single expression
- [Boost-users] Another baffling error message
- [Boost-users] Article on Boost.Asio in German computer magazine c't
- [Boost-users] asio - POSIX.4 Message Queues
- [Boost-users] Asio does not compile
- [Boost-users] Asio example 5 sagmentation fault
- [Boost-users] Asio problems with async_read
- [Boost-users] asio tcp::resolver, service resolution
- [Boost-users] async_read_some() not found??
- [Boost-users] Bizarre problem with range/adaptor/transformed.hpp
- [Boost-users] boost 1.47.0 failed to be built under MinGW...
- [Boost-users] Boost asio deadline_timer, bug?
- [Boost-users] Boost Book - comments?
- [Boost-users] Boost Graph Very Strange Behavior
- [Boost-users] boost multithread use all cores in parallel ?
- [Boost-users] Boost system library error
- [Boost-users] boost timer
- [Boost-users] Boost Unit test on Eclipse
- [Boost-users] Boost-log Formater with Syslog
- [Boost-users] boost-style yaml parser
- [Boost-users] Boost-users post acknowledgement
- [Boost-users] Boost.Bimap vector_of element access VS 9 compilation errors
- [Boost-users] boost.clang -- linq like operations in C++
- [Boost-users] Boost.Conversion review
- [Boost-users] boost.log compilation
- [Boost-users] boost.preprocessor BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH shows strange error messages
- [Boost-users] Boost.Program_options: Parsing arguments like "+a" possible?
- [Boost-users] boost.regex with ICU memory cleanup on windows
- [Boost-users] Boost.Serialization: Error on Calling Class Method during serialization process
- [Boost-users] Boost.Tokenizer / Sep - Compile-time errors ...
- [Boost-users] boost::mutex::scoped_lock fails with res = 22 (EINVAL)
- [Boost-users] Boost::Test and streams
- [Boost-users] Boost::Test Samples?
- [Boost-users] Boost::Test: Registering Positive and Negative Tests
- [Boost-users] boost::thread - usage
- [Boost-users] boost::thread or openMP for low-latency multi-threading
- [Boost-users] Boost::Tokenizer - "string iterators incompatible"
- [Boost-users] Boost::Tokenizer / "string iterators incompatible" error on Visual C++ 2010 Express - runs ok on gcc4.6.0
- [Boost-users] Building boost from straight Windows Command Prompt
- [Boost-users] Building boost::posix_time with nano second support
- [Boost-users] Cannot get Wave + Spirit Compile
- [Boost-users] Changelog for 1.47.0 does not properly warn about critical bug
- [Boost-users] Chrono - setting system time
- [Boost-users] Compiler warnings when compiling property_tree v1.47.0
- [Boost-users] Compiling version 1.43 of boost/graph with SunCC 5.8
- [Boost-users] complex matrix operations
- [Boost-users] complex matrix operations - eigen decomposition, singular value decomposition, complex inverse, cholesky decomposition etc
- [Boost-users] Complier errors using property_tree 5 minute tutorial
- [Boost-users] cross-compiling didn't work with boost:filesystem
- [Boost-users] Custom services using boost::asio
- [Boost-users] date _facet segmentation fault
- [Boost-users] datetime will not be parsed
- [Boost-users] Debugging openssl server and asio
- [Boost-users] Delayed/Lazy Function Call
- [Boost-users] Disabling Tokenizer in Derived Classes - after their constructors have been executed.
- [Boost-users] dynamically linked libraries looking for static libraries which don't exist
- [Boost-users] Enums to/from Strings
- [Boost-users] Execution problem moving libraries
- [Boost-users] Help with bind usage
- [Boost-users] How do you handle state-independent events efficiently in MSM?
- [Boost-users] How to detect thread kill?
- [Boost-users] How to iterate nested 'structs' in property tree
- [Boost-users] installing boost_1_47_0
- [Boost-users] is boost 1.46.1 contain thread/read_write_mutex.hpp
- [Boost-users] Issues with brent_find_minima
- [Boost-users] iterator_adaptor : const and regular form
- [Boost-users] JSON Property file reader compile problem
- [Boost-users] language c
- [Boost-users] More problems with boost::asio and async_read
- [Boost-users] multi_array with large dimensions crashes
- [Boost-users] need help on compile error about gregorian and regex
- [Boost-users] path filesystem
- [Boost-users] Problem building boost\optional\optional.hpp in VS2010
- [Boost-users] Problems matching parantheses in a string using boost::regex 1.42.0 on a amd64 debian system
- [Boost-users] problems with installing boost python
- [Boost-users] Program Options / Windows command line
- [Boost-users] Program_Options - Is there anyway to get the name of executable?
- [Boost-users] program_options, parse up to first non-option
- [Boost-users] program_options: accepting NaNs for doubles
- [Boost-users] Public Encryption with ASIO SSL
- [Boost-users] question about Boost naming
- [Boost-users] question about boost::intrusive_ptr
- [Boost-users] question about changing permission with boost
- [Boost-users] Reg : Boost Error - any.hpp
- [Boost-users] Regarding boost.python build on windows 7 (64 bit) VC9.0
- [Boost-users] Scoped Pairs of functions?
- [Boost-users] Segmentation fault when using asio and poll_one
- [Boost-users] Serialization: how to port binary archives containing NAN created with version 1.43 to version 1.47?
- [Boost-users] Serialization: how to port binary archives containingNAN created with version 1.43 to version 1.47?
- [Boost-users] Serialization: how to port binary archivescontaining NAN created with version 1.43 to version 1.47?
- [Boost-users] Simple inclusion of (1.47.0) filesystem.hpp generates compiler errors.
- [Boost-users] Simple serial port demonstration with boost asio asynchronous I/O
- [Boost-users] Starting...
- [Boost-users] synchronize threads from a thread pool (using asio::io_service)
- [Boost-users] Time management using posix time
- [Boost-users] translate C-code into objects
- [Boost-users] trouble with boost/random/poisson_distribution and large lambda
- [Boost-users] ublas bug?
- [Boost-users] Unicode support in boost?
- [Boost-users] unlocatable infinite loop when using boost::serialization
- [Boost-users] Using boost unit test with QtCreator
- [Boost-users] Valgrind Supression Settings
- [Boost-users] What's wrong with this simple multithreaded function that uses regex?
- [Boost-users] What's wrong with this simple multithreaded functionthat uses regex?
- [Boost-users] why aren't I getting multithreaded versions of the libraries that need to be built?
- [Boost-users] Why is asio clobbering my file before it can be sent?
- [Boost-users] Windows Installer Build
- [Boost-users] Working around the restriction in enable_shared_from_this
- [Containers] Marshalling deques
- [interprocess] garbage chars when extending interprocess strings?
Boost-users list run by williamkempf at hotmail.com, kalb at libertysoft.com, bjorn.karlsson at readsoft.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, wekempf at cox.net