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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] what happens between "fixed in development" and "available in release"?
From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-03-20 12:47:24

> So what do you guys think: is there something one can do with a
> reasonable workload ~20h/month to help the overall situation?

Yes for sure:

1) focus: decide which parts of Boost you're interested in and largely
stick to those.
2) Try to help the maintainer make the test suite bullet-proof. IMO the
best maintained libraries are those with the most complete test
coverage. Obviously it varies a bit how much this helps: things like
thread, futures, or other things that hit the OS directly are likely to
be the hardest to test empirically, which may be why Niall has had such
a hard time!
3) Filter bug reports, try to reproduce, convert bug reports into PR's,
with really good enhancements to the test suite to prevent recurrences.
4) Talk to the maintainer, find out what really needs doing, what the
blockers are, how PR's can be structured so that accepting the patches
is a no-brainer.
5) If a library has a lot of bug reports and/or PR's try to figure out
why that is. OK no lib is perfect, but we should be aiming for as close
to "zero maintenance" as we can get (excluding new features and/or
modernizations). Is it lack of testing? A conceptual deficit? Poorly
structured code that can't be maintained?

Above all.... don't be scared to get stuck in!

HTH, John.

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at