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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] linking and including in visual studio
From: Michael Powell (mwpowellhtx_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-04-26 16:29:51
On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 4:14 PM, David Medine <dmedine_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> This is kind of a stupid question, and maybe more of a Windows/Visual Studio
> question than a boost one, but this has been troubling the back of my mind
> lately.
> Having learned to write and compile C++ code on Linux, I am always in the
> habit of explicitly stating the include and library paths for the compiler
> to search for, as well as the libraries themselves that need to be linked.
> However, I am revising some Visual Studio projects that use boost and I
> realized that the path I gave for 'Additional Library Directories' is
> $(BOOST_ROOT)/lib, but my version of boost hasn't got this directory (it's
> actually $(BOOST_ROOT)\libs). I then removed all references to boost from
> 'Additional Library Directories', and 'Additional Include Directories' and
> the application builds and runs swimmingly.
> This leads me to believe, that assigning the BOOST_ROOT environment variable
> in Windows is the only step that is needed for VS's auto linking magic to
> link correctly to boost. Am I right here, or is there something I am
> missing?
It's been a little while for me, but as far as I can recall, paths are
no different, per se, in C++ / Linux, than they are in VS, at least
current. The way you set the options in recent VS versions has
improved over the years, for sure. And but for path syntax. Other than
that, yes, you identify include and linker paths "the same" as you
would across platforms. Same in that, yes, you must identify them.
After that, also if memory serves, I believe BOOST has the necessary
hooks embedded for correct linkage.
> Cheers,
> David
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