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From: Kalesis, Ioannis (I.Kalesis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-18 08:58:26


Thanks for the quick response,

The system will be in no way affected by the packets leaving out-of-order (using the queueing mechanism for post-processing work) and the clients are aware to handle such cases.
In theory no one should have an issue even if the software were to send every packet out-of-order.
In the end it all comes down to how many microseconds this change will save versus what percentage of packets will be sent out-of-order.

Do you have any recommendation for me to read so that I can understand better the concept you mentioned in 2nd part of your answer?
I am curious on how likely the case of out-of-order packets is when it comes to the software/kernel.

[End of Classified Mail]

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