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Geometry :

Subject: [ggl] space partitioning
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz)
Date: 2010-08-17 13:06:54

Barend Gehrels wrote:
> Hi Adam,
>> In the attachment there are:
>> runtime_point.cpp - geometry::point concept wrapper providing runtime
>> get(index) and set(index, value) methods used in one of the algorithms,
>> box.cpp - geometry::box algorithms
>> kd-tree.cpp - kd-tree implementation, there should be another tag
>> used, indicating type of objects (in this case point_tag).
> These are the .hpp files, perfect.
> Do you happen to have a test-project (cpp)?

Sorry, here it is.

Regards, Adam

-------------- next part --------------
#include <spar/kdtree.hpp>

#include <iostream>

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

int main()
        using namespace boost::geometry;

        typedef point<float, 2, cs::cartesian> point;
        std::vector<point> vect(100);
        for ( std::vector<point>::iterator it = vect.begin() ; it != vect.end() ; ++it )
                it->set<0>(rand() % 100 - 50);
                it->set<1>(rand() % 100 - 50);

        typedef spar::runtime_point<point> runtime_point;

        runtime_point rp;
        point p;

        box<point> b;
        box<runtime_point> rb;



        spar::expand(b, b);
        spar::expand(rb, rb);

        spar::expand(b, p);
        spar::expand(rb, rp);

        spar::left_aabb<0>(b, 0.0f);
        spar::left_aabb(0, rb, 0.0f);

        spar::kdtree<point> kdt(vect.begin(), vect.end());
        spar::kdtree<point, spar::kdtree_biggest_dimension> kdt2(vect.begin(), vect.end());

        spar::kdtree<point>::iterator it = kdt.find(area());
        for ( ; it != kdt.end() ; ++it )

#if defined(_MSC_VER)

        return 0;

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