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Subject: [ggl] Re: rtree ?
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz)
Date: 2011-11-27 07:24:49
Bernhard wrote:
> Adam Wulkiewicz wrote
>> Of course, I'm planning to do it. But first, I'd like to hear from you
>> all, do you like the interface? Maby something should be added or changed?
> I have now noticed a strange effect: If I base my box geometries on
> model::point<double, 2, cartesian> everything works. However, if I use
> model::d2::point_xy<double, cartesian>, I get a series of compilation
> errors. It took me quite a time to figure this out, as I had thought those
> to be equivalent (other than the convenience functions) and used the latter,
> and with everything except the rtree they work indiscriminately.
Yes, I remember this issue. I've reported this earlier. If I use
point_xy instead of point as a base point type there is an compilation
error in geometry\algorithms\convert.hpp:
'boost::mpl::assertion_failed' : cannot convert parameter 1 from
'boost::mpl::failed ************(__thiscall
***********)(boost::mpl::assert_::types<T1,T2>)' to
D:\lib\boost_geometry\boost\geometry\algorithms\convert.hpp 226
Is this what you have in mind?
Inside rtree I use geometry::point as my basic point because user may
use whatever he/she wants. But conversion from
geometry::box< geometry::point<...> > to
geometry::box< geometry::point_xy<...> >
is not implemented in geometry::convert().
Please just use geometry::point for now.
Geometry list run by mateusz at loskot.net