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Subject: Re: [geometry] Linestring buffer
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-07-16 14:15:04
On 16-7-2012 15:39, aimes00 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know that Barend has been working in the linestring buffer
That is right, in winter/spring. It was then targetted for 1.50 but I
could not finish it then, and after that no work has been done in it.
> but I don't know the state of the algorithm... Is it working?
Basically it is working. For linestrings, the cap is flat (you probably
expect a rounded border which is relatively easy to add, it just has to
be done). Most tests has been done with polygons.
Issues are still some (probably seldom occuring) floating point issues,
and some (also not frequent) problems with holes, which might occur for
both (multi)linestrings and (multi)polygons
> Is it going to be released in the new version (1.51)?
No. It was a short cycle, only a few things are fixed, there are no new
things. We might hope for 1.52 but that is not sure either, given state
and planning.
However, you might try the version from trunk in extensions.
I'm actually glad someone asks for this, now I know it is on someones
wishlist :-)
Regards, Barend
Geometry list run by mateusz at loskot.net