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Subject: Re: [geometry] Buffer algorithm
From: joan ABADIE (joan.abadie_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-22 10:38:48
Hi Barend,
I have looked at test_buffer.hpp.
It gave me some tips on how to compute a buffer with buffer_inserter
but I can't figure out how to define 2 templates : JoinStrategy and
Could you help me to define them ?
Here is an easy code sample to go from a linestring to a buffered polygon.
typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double,
boost::geometry::cs::cartesian> Point_type;
typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point_type>
Polygon_type;///CCW closed cartesian polygon
typedef boost::geometry::model::linestring<Point_type>
LineString_type;///CCW closed cartesian polygon
typedef boost::geometry::coordinate_type<LineString_type>::type coordinate_type;
typedef Point_type point_type;
typedef Point_type output_point_type;
LineString_type boostTrajectory; //my line string to buffer
//to be initialized here
distance_strategy(bufferDistance, bufferDistance);
std::vector<Polygon_type> buffered; //buffered result
* ???join_strategy???,*
* ???end_strategy???*
Joan Abadie
2013/10/21 Barend Gehrels <barend_at_[hidden]>
> Hi Joan,
> joan wrote On 21-10-2013 16:08:
> Hello,
>> I also need the feature to have a buffer feature in order to go from a
>> linestring to a polygon.
>> I have read many posts on the subject but I couldn't manage to compute a
>> buffer using boost 1.54 or trunk.
>> When will the feature be planned ?
>> Is there some hacks (using buffer_inserter ...) that enable this computing
>> in the trunk ?
> Sure, in trunk it is possible, using extensions. The best "example" is the
> testcode in test_buffer.hpp
> Let me know if I can help more, I did plan to work in this in the near
> future again.
> It is not yet ready, there are some issues, you may encounter them, but
> depending on your cases it might be useful for you.
> I cannot yet say when it will be in Release.
> Regards, Barend
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