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Subject: Re: [geometry] Run-Time specified geometries
From: Samuel Debionne (samuel.debionne_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-24 10:48:07

> By the way, there are some custom solutions made by BG users,
> like here in brig project:

Thank you for the head up on BRIG.

>> The main difficulty I have encountered with dynamic
>> algorithms is that there are instantiated with every possible type the
>> variant can take. Some kind of filtering (e.g. types should have same
>> dimensions) using traits and tag dispatching must be in place within the
>> variant visitor. The other difficulty is with the return type that may
>> depends on the input types, but no meta function (think result_of) is
>> available.

> Yes, so all possible instances need to be available.

Is there a way with the current implementation to know what
specialization of an algorithm is available, i.e. which combinations of
template arguments (geometry types) do not lead to the MPL assert

Right now I'm using my own MPL metafunction "is_implemented" in my
variant visitors but it's not very practical :

template <class GeometryOut>
struct intersection_visitor
    : public boost::static_visitor<void>
    intersection_visitor(GeometryOut& _out) : out_(_out) {}

    template <
        class Geometry1,
        class Geometry2
    struct is_implemented
        typename boost::mpl::and_<
            typename boost::is_same<
                typename boost::geometry::tag<Geometry1>::type,
                typename boost::geometry::linestring_tag
        /* Add more meta programming here */

    template <
        class Geometry1,
        class Geometry2
    void operator()(const Geometry1& _geom1, const Geometry2& _geom2,
typename boost::enable_if<typename is_implemented<Geometry1,
Geometry2>::type >::type* = 0) const
        boost::geometry::intersection(_geom1, _geom2, out_);

    template <
        class Geometry1,
        class Geometry2
    void operator()(const Geometry1& _geom1, const Geometry2& _geom,
typename boost::disable_if<typename is_implemented<Geometry1,
Geometry2>::type >::type* = 0) const
        throw unimplemented_exception();

    GeometryOut& out_;

Finally I'm wondering if SFINAE could be of any help...


Geometry list run by mateusz at