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Subject: Re: [ublas] Citing Boost & uBLAS
From: Dima Sorkin (dsorkin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-08 09:21:29

  I had this problem too a year ago. I wrote on my own the following:

  title = {BOOST C++ Libraries},
  note = {\texttt{}},
  url = {}

but this does not seem serious to me ;)

Thanks, regards,

Quoting Atanas Atanasov <thenasko_at_[hidden]>:
> I have been using Boost and uBLAS in particular in some scientific software,
> and would be happy to include references. Is there a standard Bibtex entry
> which is used in such cases? As a small tip, it would be useful if a
> citations policy and the Bibtex entry is available online. Thanks in
> advance.
> Best,
> Atanas Atanasov (Nasko)