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Subject: Re: [ublas] [PATCH 3/3] boost::ublas increasing the range of BLAS level 3 benchmarks
From: palik imre (imre_palik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-03-08 16:04:57
I don't plan to enable openmp by default, just provide some infrastructure for the user to explicitly enable it.
As for your case, for 10x10 matrices it doesn't even worth to use gemm. Would bounded matrices work for you? If the bounds are below the breakeven point for gemm (set to 27 for double currently), I could arrange for a compile-time switch.
On Tuesday, 8 March 2016, 19:13, Riccardo Rossi <rrossi_at_[hidden]> wrote:
Well the problem is that fixed matrices and vectors can not be used if you don t know the size at compile timeIn my application (finite elements) I have Millons of matrices of size around 10by 10 on which I operate within outer openmp loops.Having openmp in the matrix would be a killer for meRiccardoOn 7 Mar 2016 18:13, "Nasos Iliopoulos" <nasos_i_at_[hidden]> wrote:
That is correct,
there are various options here but none is optimal. Do you have any suggestions?
Note: we now have fixed_vector and fixed_matrix classes than can be used to make compile time decisions with respect to size.
On 03/07/2016 11:56 AM, Riccardo Rossi wrote:
just to give my two cents, some care shall be taken so that there is no overhead for very small matrices (say 3*3)
On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 9:58 PM, palik imre <imre_palik_at_[hidden]> wrote:
It just ocured to me, that based on the descriptor struct it would be possible to choose between parallel and serial implementation of the kernels.
Anybody would be interested in having something like that in ublas?
Would an OpenMP parallel implementation be accepted to the library?
On Sunday, 6 March 2016, 10:43, palik imre <imre_palik_at_[hidden]> wrote:
Fork is here: https://github.com/imre-palik/ublas/tree/feature/ublas00004_simd_gemm
pull request is sent.
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Riccardo Rossi
PhD, Civil Engineer
member of the Kratos Team: www.cimne.com/kratos
lecturer at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Research fellow at International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
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