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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-05 20:17:07

Ouch! This just arrived from Clark Nelson:

>This is your reminder that the deadline for the pre-Curaçao mailing is
>week from today, 2002-03-12. Acceptable document formats include plain
>text, HTML and PDF. Please contact me with questions, and for numbers to
>apply to your documents.

That means it is time to think again about what additional Boost libraries
should be submitted to the committee for possible inclusion in the upcoming
TR. (Because they will be presented but not voted on, we don't actually
have to have stuff ready in a week. But the notice is a wake up call to
start getting ready for April's committee meeting.)

The following Boost libraries are already on the committee's proposal list:

1) Header <cstdint>. (Tabled pending more comprehensive proposal from Bill
2) Type Traits.
3) Regular Expressions.
4) Smart Pointers.
5) Random Numbers.
6) Rational Numbers.
7) Threads.

How about suggestions for perhaps six more Boost libraries to add to the
list? Which of the remaining libraries are most "widely useful" for


PS: I'll be out of email contact until Sunday, so won't respond to
suggestions until next week.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at