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From: Ronald Garcia (garcia_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-11 11:54:32

Hi Rene,
On Apr 11, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Rene Rivera wrote:

> Ronald Garcia wrote:
>> 1) Where should the current visible home page be in CVS?
I don't think that this has been the practice in the past. If it is
now the case, I think that the information on updating the web page
should specifically reflect that.

>> 2) Where should I put news items for the release after 1.34 in CVS?
> Meaning 1.35? Good question... Either keep them to yourself until
> we have a 1.35 branch. Or create a 1.35 branch. IMO.
I think that we'll probably need a better solution than that. Given
the time between releases, it would be better to have a location
where library updates can be marked. I'm particularly concerned
about the time after a release and before the next branch for release.

Another option is to have a file separate from the home page but is
also maintained in CVS HEAD, which
contains all of the changes since the last release (or release
branch) that are currently in CVS HEAD.

> This problem will be moot for 1.35 anyway since the website will be
> independent.
The web site and CVS are independent right now: what is visible at does not always match what is in CVS. How will the planned
changes alleviate this issue?


Thanks for the reply.

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