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From: Philippe Vaucher (philippe.vaucher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-30 13:38:23

Hello guys,

I finally got time on my hands to battle with quickbook and eventually I got
it working !

So here's the (incomplete) documentation :

And here's the current version of the timers library :

The documentation is not complete at all, but the main idea is there so I'd
like you to express all the constructive criticism you guys might find about
the library & documentation.

Now I'll raise a couple of questions :

   1. Does any of you have a better idea for the devices/timer names ?
   I'm not very fond of "gstaft_device" to express "GetSystemAsFileTime's
   device" but I can't find a better way. I thought of a
   devices<getsystemtimeasfiletime>::type mpl approach but it doesn't sounds so
   nice either.
   2. I renamed boost::timer to boost::timers because the templated timer
   class should not have the same name as the namespace it lives in, if you
   have another idea for the organisation please share. Like should I make the
   "portable" namespace at all ? If not, should I move the devices/timers in
   that namespace in the boost::timers namespace ?
   3. Does anyone know if std::clock() isn't implemented on "linux" ? On
   the unbuntu and gentoo boxes I tried it keeps returning 0, while on windows
   it works.
   4. Does anyone know what's wrong in my getrusage() or GetThreadTimes()
   usage ? I can't see what's wrong but it also returns 0.
   5. I'm looking to know about the overhead & resolution for all the
   apis used, if you have such informations please tell me :)
   6. Once finalized all this, what's next ? Should I put the whole thing
   in a boost review ?
   7. Should I write unit tests for this library ? I'm afraid it wouldn't
   make a lot of sense...

Thank you !

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