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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-04 15:37:00

David Abrahams wrote:

> 4. Cmake's built-in programming language is even more horrible, IMO,
> than bjam's. I bet you get used to it, like anything else, but it
> does present a barrier to entry. On the other hand, it's my
> impression that most programming jobs can be done more simply and
> directly under Cmake because it lacks BBv2's
> multiple-toolset/variant builds, and so has no need for virtual
> targets.

Note that with 1.34.1 out, I plan to revive the experimental BBV2/Python
branch that will allow to write Jamfiles in Python. With a widely
known programming language, we can more freely ask users to write
procedural code whenever builtin mechanisms are not sufficient, so
that will simplify usage overall.

- Volodya

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