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From: Andreas Huber (ahd6974-spamboostorgtrap_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-10 08:29:22

Steven Watanabe <watanabesj <at>> writes:
> ./boost/statechart/detail/rtti_policy.hpp
> ./boost/statechart/detail/state_base.hpp
> ./boost/statechart/state_machine.hpp

All disabled warnings carry the following comment:

// We permanently turn off the following level 4 warnings because users will
// have to do so themselves anyway if we turn them back on

The warnings in question are:

# pragma warning( disable: 4511 ) // copy constructor could not be generated
# pragma warning( disable: 4512 ) // assignment op could not be generated

IMO, these warnings are not very useful. Users will get heaps of them when they
employ the library, so disabling them permanently is a good thing.


Andreas Huber
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