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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-14 09:37:27

manphiz wrote:
> Due to the limitation of gettext usage with standard iostream, there's a
> proposal to improve the case in glibmm's string implementation [1],
> whose goals resemble boost::format very much.

This stuff will all be much easier once we have variadic templates,
i.e. you will be able to have a type-safe sprintf in C++. You can now
get a version of gcc that supports them, and they should be in C++0x.
So unless you have some very urgent reason to change immediately, I
suggest that you wait for a bit.

(I imagine that this means that the operator%-style Boost.Format will
not progress towards the standard library, but I am not in any position
to comment on that.)



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