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From: Jurko Gospodnetiæ (jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-05 15:10:30


   Thanks for the reply.

> <boost/cerrno.hpp> defines unique values for errno values missing on different
> systems. These (unique) values are high enough to not collide with the values in
> <errno.h>. I think, this is for completeness and I don't understand why you
> think that the missing values should not be defined at all.

   We did not know about this header, nor really how these error codes
were intended to be used. Just saw that the mentioned ones that were
missing were causing compilation errors for Boost ASIO and that they
were not getting used anywhere in code except to declare an unused
constant so the simplest thing to do as a quick-fix was to skip their
use with an #ifdef.

   I'll go check now whether perhaps some header (in Boost ASIO or Boost
System) is forgetting to include this boost/cerrno.hpp header. Then a
clean fix would be simple. :-)

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetiæ

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