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Subject: [boost] Library suggestion - audio IO
From: Philip Bennefall (philip_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-06-16 14:19:42

Hi all,

My name is Philip Bennefall, and I am very new to Boost. I have only been learning the basics of it over the last few weeks but am highly impressed with its performance thus far. so a big thanks to the Boost developers for their excellent efforts!

I was wondering whether the discussion of a portable audio I/O library as part of Boost has ever come up? I would very much like to see a library that handles streaming audio, input and output, in a cross platform way.

Any thoughts on this?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
P.S. I do hope that this is the right list to post this question on. Apologies if it should have been directed to Boost users instead.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at