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Subject: Re: [boost] Best home for cxx11_char_types.hpp?
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-09 14:51:21

On Wednesday 09 July 2014 14:42:55 Beman Dawes wrote:
> I'm working on an update of Boost.Filesystem that adds support for the
> C++11 char16_t, char23_t, u16string, and u32string types.
> For compilers that don't yet support these types, a header
> cxx11_char_types.hpp (see attached) provides emulation that is good enough
> for filesystem, and is probably useful for other libraries and for user
> code too. We discussed this header several years ago, and I've been using
> it since then.
> Where should this header live? It can certainly go in
> libs/filesystem/include/boost/filesystem, but that doesn't really expose it
> to general Boost users. Is there a better place, but without introducing
> unwanted dependencies?

Are string typedefs generally useful in C++03? E.g. does
std::char_traits<boost::char16>::length() work? It would be needed if one to
construct u16string from a literal. If not these typedefs should not be
exposed to users, IMHO.

Otherwise, cstdint.hpp is in Boost.Config, and this header offers similar

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