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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] Parallel Builds on Windows
From: Ingo Albrecht (ingo.albrecht_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-09 04:57:08
David Abrahams schrieb:
> on Thu Feb 05 2009, Michael Jackson <mike.jackson-AT-bluequartz.net> wrote:
>> There are those in the CMake community that successfully combine "unix makefiles" with
>> the Visual Studio Compilers to perform parallel builds.
>> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2008-June/022178.html is one of the relevant
>> threads.
>> Here is another thread that has some important information about exactly what versions
>> of gmake and others to use.
>> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2008-April/021336.html
> If that's the only path to parallel builds with CMake on windows, it
> seems like a very significant weakness.
For a UNIX hacker like myself, it certainly seemed this way initially.
I did change my mind though, after a while. My reasoning
is that VC just turns out to be the predominant build tool
on Windows today and has ended decades of fighting with
UNIXoid make tools on a platform that requires its own
way. Microsoft made it quite possible to use VC for
builds exclusively by improving support for command-line
builds over the years.
Among open source libraries supporting windows, there
are, in my mind, two categories. One is using vcbuild.
The other one uses mingw and autoconf/make. Just guess
which of the two made a more polished and integrated
impression on me...