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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (alexy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-04-20 23:52:53

Dave Abrahams <abrahams_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Here are some proposed updates for boost.
> Features:
> 1. xxx-able2 available for all binary operator classes
> 2 factored out repeated code for a smaller more maintainable file
> 3. Tests enhanced to do some random testing
> 4. Tests enhanced to break under MSVC ;(. I got tired of wasting my time
> trying to understand the stupid f'in error messages. It compiles and runs
> under gcc and MWERKS. Maybe someone else would like to try?
> 5. Disable iterator helpers when compiling with raw GCC standard
> since std::iterator isn't defined there. If you are using the SGI STL or
> STLport, iterator helpers are re-enabled.

Hi, Dave.. wanted to look at your work, but it seems you've attached a wrong
file to your message - 'utility.hpp' instead 'operators.hpp'...

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