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From: George A. Heintzelman (georgeh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-04 09:53:17

Hi boosters,

I'm compiling boost with g++ 2.95.2 with --pedantic but not --ansi. I
realize that this is somewhat unusual, but it's true for various
'historical reasons' here, and can't be changed easily. I'm on a
Solaris 2.8 box.

In any case, I'm having a number of problems compiling boost stuff
which refers to long longs. This is because ULLONG_MAX *is* defined by
the system headers in this case -- but anytime you try to actually
*use* it, g++ complains. So, anyway, I'm working on figuring out if
there is an incantation I can place in the config to deal correctly
with this case, and not break other cases... but I thought other
experts might be able to find the correct answer.

Anyway, help would be appreciated....

George Heintzelman

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