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From: Phlip (pplumlee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-09 10:33:09

> > has anybody started to create a gtk--/gnome-- Wrapper for
> > DiaCanvas? If
> > not, i would like to start this project :). Ist there a place in the
> > diacanvas CVS for it?
> I am very happy with your idea. I think it might be wiser, however, to
> await the GTK+-2.0 C++ wrapper and use those scripts and so on to generate
> DiaCanvas--. Am am very intersested in a Python wrapper too.

A.> Ruby! ... Ruby! ... Ruby! ... Ruby!

B.> The best C++ wrapper for Python is the Boost Python Library at

B.1.> They need to take their wrapper system on the road.

B.2.> Ruby is so architecturally similar to Python (read: "derivative") that
a Boost Ruby Library would be easy to derive from BPL. Boost boasts
incredible competency with C++ reflection via templates. This the best path
to a SWIG-style or ActiveX Scripting-style system where everyone's language
agnostic. Without SWIG.

  Phlip                          phlip_cpp_at_[hidden]
  --  "Probably one of the toughest times in anyone's life is when
       you have to kill someone you love because they'r the Devil"
                                     --Emo Phillips  --

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