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From: Ed Brey (edbrey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-09 17:24:46

From: "Daryle Walker" <darylew_at_[hidden]>
> I know what a run-on sentence is. I wanted a more specific location of the
> problem sentences.


"template parameters, the other templates" ->
    "template parameters. The other templates"

"template parameters, the templates ending" ->
    "template parameters; the templates ending"

An additional note, after reading this paragraph a second time, is that the first half of the paragraph is hard to read given the level of cross-referencing detail that they eyes need to do, and it doesn't present anything that isn't obvious from the synopsis. You might consider changing the paragraph to this:

Each template has a static data member "value" with the same type as the template parameters. /value/ is set to the respective minimum or maximum of the template's parameters.

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