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From: Kevin S. Van Horn (kevin.vanhorn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-31 15:21:27

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 johnds_at_[hidden] wrote:

> Would there be any interest in a fast fourier transformation class?

A generic function that can operate on an arbitrary random-access sequence
would be more useful.

> template<class DOUBLE,
> class COMPLEX = std::complex<DOUBLE>,
> class VECTOR = std::vector<COMPLEX> >
> class fft
> {
> static inline void transform(VECTOR&, bool);
> };
> [...]
> The reason for the class (as distinct from a templated function) is
> to enable default template arguments -
> there's no actual state.

The VECTOR template argument is unnecessary and undesirable, as it limits
the generality of transform(). I would suggest taking a random-access
iterator range as argument instead.
std::iterator_traits<RandIterator>::value_type then gives you the output
value type.

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