Boost : |
From: Cliff Green (cliffg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-19 19:07:38
Just to be clear, I was injecting a little humor with the Sprint comments.
For the non North-American readers, Sprint is (was?) a long-distance
telephone service provider, one of many whos salespeople would incessantly
call right at dinner time, trying to persuade you to switch from your
current provider.
In this discussion I'm actually on the pro-Spirit side - Spirit is
excellently fulfilling a need that more and more people are going to be
realizing is there. And whatever CLA library is ultimately included in Boost
(and I think there is a big demand for one) should have the ability to
extend the parsing capabilities through Spirit, or something similar.
-----Original Message-----
From: joel de guzman [mailto:djowel_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 2:04 AM
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Any interest for a parser class?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cliff Green" :
> Hmm - I always got a little irritated when a Sprint salesperson called me
> trying to get me to sign up. I definitely don't want Sprint forced on me
> a Boost user, or any other long distance telephone provider, for that
> matter.
> On the other hand, Spirit is definitely worthwhile ...
> (Said with very big smiley ... which I think the discussion needs.)
No one is forcing anyone. Someone merely asked "why reinvent the
wheel?". Then it degenerated from that point with a barrage of baseless
attacks against Spirit with lots of false assertions that were later proven
to be wrong by those who are more knowledgeable of the framework.
It is simply improper to spread FUD disguised as valid rationale.
What I find amusing though, was that the burden of proof was shifted.
To whom was the question being asked in the first place?
'Nuff said.... ( Also with a big smiley... )
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