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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-06 11:45:04

The release candidate branch has been made: RC_1_27_0

The point of doing this is that we can correct boo-boo's before the actual

Case in point: A change checked in yesterday broke
libs/tokenizer/examples.cpp for VC++ (see below).

Jeremy, when you fix this please remember that the changes need to be made
to the release candidate branch (RC_1_27_0) and then merged into the main

Meanwhile, if others notice anything wrong with the release candidate,
please let me know. We've talked about the details of how to make fixes
based on a release candidate branch, but never discussed how we would know
in the first place that fixes were required.


** Microsoft Visual C++
cl /Feboosttmp.exe /nologo /Zm400 /MDd /W3 /GR /GX /Zi /Od /GZ
/I"c:/boost/site" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_CONSOLE"
c:/boost/site/libs/tokenizer/examples.cpp /link /incremental:no user32.lib
c:/boost/site\boost/token_functions.hpp(248) : error C2440: 'default
argument' : cannot convert from 'char [1]' to 'const *'
         Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires
reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
         c:/boost/site\boost/token_functions.hpp(352) : see reference to
class template instantiation 'boost::char_separator<Char,Traits>' being
c:/boost/site\boost/token_functions.hpp(248) : error C2548:
'char_separator<Char,Traits>::char_separator<Char,Traits>' : missing
default parameter for parameter 3
         c:/boost/site\boost/token_functions.hpp(352) : see reference to
class template instantiation 'boost::char_separator<Char,Traits>' being

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at