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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 09:50:36

Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_[hidden]> writes:

> At 09:53 AM 3/4/2003, Jeff Garland wrote:
> >Right, sorry for dropping this. As I recall I was hoping for
> someone more
> >expert with WinCVS and some of the other tools to fill in the details
> >of how to make changes.
> >... The basic CVS procedure for developers looks like it is in
> >place. I don't think the WinCVS procedure was updated.
> OK, I'll commit your changes and then add my interpretation of how it
> would work on WinCVS. But I need to get answers from Dave first. See
> below.
> >> I'd really like it to include the Release Procedures for the Release
> >> Manager, which is currently blank. While I understand the general
> idea, >> I'm
> >> not sure what the release manager does differently. How is the branch
> >> named? What is the tag that goes on the main trunk and how is it named?
> >
> >There never have been procedures for the release manager, but they would
> >be basically the same as today. I would expect we would name branches
> >exactly as we do now. There may be some detail about how the
> >branch has to be created, but other than that it would be the same.
> What is confusing me is Dave Abrahams' comment of a day or so ago:
> >Didn't we agree that we were going to tag the trunk and generally do
> >any merges from the trunk to the branch? This tag appears to be on
> >the branch AFAICT.
> Dave, what did you mean by that? It sounds like you expect the
> RC_1_30_0 tag to go on the main trunk and some other tag on the
> branch.


> What is the point of that? How are the tags used?

The point is that if there are multiple merges from the trunk to the
branch, you'll need something to mark the version on the trunk of the
previous merge. At the point you first create the branch, the
previous merge point is the same as the branch point.

The multiple merge thing is probably much less of an issue when
working from trunk to branch, but it still could be useful to have
the tag. I would call the tag "merged_to_<branch name>".

Does that clear up my concern?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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