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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-12 06:19:22

> > No the dll and your code must share the same runtime,
> Sorry I can't understand this. It is obvious that C-runtime support has to
be matched.
> When I am able to choose boost DLL - C-Runtime usage
> at will, this will exactly result in beeing able to match C-runtime
support of
> application and boost. So why do you say No?
> If I can't choose it I am not able to match C-runtime support in some
> There should be two DLL versions of the lib: one statically bound to
> and one dynamically bound to C-runtime. Don't you think so too?

No, the Boost.Thread dll and your code must share the same runtime - by that
I mean both that they link to the same *type* of runtime (lets say
multithreaded-dll-debug), and they must actually share the same heap at
runtime (this is why you can't use a static runtime - because your
application and the dll would have different heaps, leading to memory
corruption when resources - such as thrown exceptions - are passed across
the dll boundary).

That's why there are only two versions of the thread lib:


That's it, nothing else is possible as it stands.


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