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From: Thomas Witt (witt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-27 01:12:43

Beman Dawes wrote:

> At 06:30 PM 1/25/2004, Jeff Garland wrote:
> >Finally, it seems to me the real solution is to either split the
> duties or
> >find another review wizard volunteer. I'm willing to spend a couple
> hours
> >a month on this if it would help...
> The most frustrating thing I ran into as review wizard was lining up
> review managers. I'd send an email to the top one or two in the queue,
> and it would take several days to determine that one or both was going
> to be unavailable. Sometimes a few more days trying to juggle dates,
> before giving up. So then I'd try again, finally getting a review
> manager and reviewee all lined up and in sync. Sometimes I'd be
> out-of-town or very busy somewhere during the process, further slowing it.

Violent agreement. This makes the process slow and usually rules out
tight scheduling.

> It seems like some kind of automatic scheduling system could do the
> work. Often what is needed is persistence rather than human
> intelligence. Does anyone know of such an automated system? It would
> have to be email based, or at least the notification part would have to be.

Seems like your looking for a trouble ticket system. At least smth. like


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