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From: Daniel James (daniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-13 09:47:22

Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
> It's not that I don't see the benefit of lower complexity; I don't really see
> the lower complexity. ;-)

Simon Tatham provides a nice motivation for this kind of thing at:

Here's a rough (untested) translation of his run-length decoding example:

   void decompress(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out)
     char c;
       if(c == 0xFF) {
         int len = in.get();
         if(!in || !in.get(c)) // Return an error.
         while(len--) out.put(c);
       else {

And as a filter:

    struct toupper_filter : input_filter {
       int repeat_char;
       int repeat_length;

       toupper_filter() : repeat_char(0), repeat_length(0) {}

       template<typename Source>
       int get(Source& src)
         if(repeat_length > 0) {
           return repeat_char;
         else {
           char c = boost::io::get(src);
           if(c == 0xFF) {
             repeat_length = boost::io::get(src);
             repeat_char = boost::io::get(src);
             return repeat_char;
           else {
             return c;

And that's a fairly simple example. (Sorry if you have a better way to
do this, I haven't really looked at the library).

> Your version requires that an entire stream
> of data be processed at once -- leading to poor memory use -- and doesn't work
> at all for streams which have no natural end.

Not necessarily, he could use threads or fibres with pipes, although
that's quite expensive. That's why I was playing around with using a
Duff's Device style switch statement for implementing coroutines.


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