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From: Martin Bonner (martin.bonner_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-01 09:17:07

----Original Message----
From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
Sent: 01 July 2005 13:50
To: Boost mailing list
Subject: [boost] [home page] Marketing?

> If we go forward with this, I'll try to get quotes from one or two
> other C++ luminaries to go in the "What do others say about Boost"
> sub-section.

>From "The obvious solution
for most programmers is to use a library that provides an elegant and
efficient platform independent to needed services. Examples are BOOST ..."

I'm sure the man would be prepared to give you a slightly punchier quote.
On the other hand, quotes that people have made unprompted somehow feel more

The best I can find for Sutter is "Use the Boost, Luke", which is perhaps a
bit nerdish for selling to managers.

I can't find a thing for Andrew Koenig - google finds LOTS of things for
"boost koenig", but they nearly all refer to Koenig lookup, and the rest
seem to refer to "Accelerated C++". (I'm sure he /has/ said something
complimentary, I just can't find it).

Martin Bonner
Pi Technology, Milton Hall, Ely Road, Milton, Cambridge, CB4 6WZ,
ENGLAND Tel: +44 (0)1223 441434

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